Publications of Judit Takács
updated 20 January 2025Recently Published
Szalma, I. and Takács, J. (2025)
The impact of political-demographic considerations on European attitudes towards parenting and adoption by same-sex couples
The impact of political-demographic considerations on European attitudes towards parenting and adoption by same-sex couples
Takács Judit – Szalma Ivett (2022)
A homoszexualitással kapcsolatos társadalmi attitűdök a 21. század elején Magyarországon (Societal attitudes in connection with homosexuality at the beginning of the 21st century in Hungary)
A homoszexualitással kapcsolatos társadalmi attitűdök a 21. század elején Magyarországon (Societal attitudes in connection with homosexuality at the beginning of the 21st century in Hungary)
Ivett Szalma - Hana Hašková - Livia Oláh - Judit Takács (2022)
Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts
Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts
Ivett Szalma - Judit Takács (2022)
Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary: Did the Change of Policy Regime Matter?
Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary: Did the Change of Policy Regime Matter?
Cornelia Möser Jennifer Ramme Judit Takács (2022)
Paradoxes That Matter:
Introducing Critical Perspectives on Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe
Paradoxes That Matter:
Introducing Critical Perspectives on Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe

Articles In Peer-Reviewed Journals
Szalma, I. – Takács, J. (2025)
The impact of political-demographic considerations on European attitudes towards parenting and adoption by same-sex couples
European Journal of Politics and Gender, Early View, 20 January 2025 (Paywall)
The impact of political-demographic considerations on European attitudes towards parenting and adoption by same-sex couples
European Journal of Politics and Gender, Early View, 20 January 2025 (Paywall)

Rohde, A. – Takács, J. (2023)
Can gender studies be in exile? An introduction
Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 8, 4, 1–9. Editorial January 2023 (open access)
Can gender studies be in exile? An introduction
Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics. 8, 4, 1–9. Editorial January 2023 (open access)

Ivett Szalma - Hana Hašková - Livia Oláh - Judit Takács (2022)
Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts
Social Inclusion 10(3) Editorial published online 30 August 2022 (open access)
Fragile Pronatalism and Reproductive Futures in European Post‐Socialist Contexts
Social Inclusion 10(3) Editorial published online 30 August 2022 (open access)

Takács J - Fobear K - Schmitsek Sz (2022)
Resisting Genderphobia in Hungary
Politics and Governance 10(4), 38-48.
Resisting Genderphobia in Hungary
Politics and Governance 10(4), 38-48.

Ivett Szalma - Judit Takács (2022)
Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary: Did the Change of Policy Regime Matter?
Social Inclusion published online 2022-05-30
Exploring Older Men’s Pathways to Childlessness in Hungary: Did the Change of Policy Regime Matter?
Social Inclusion published online 2022-05-30

Takács J. – P.Tóth T. (2021)
Liberating Pathologization? The Historical Background of the 1961 Decriminalization of Homosexuality in Hungary
Hungarian Historical Review: New Series of Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae, 10(2), 267–300
Liberating Pathologization? The Historical Background of the 1961 Decriminalization of Homosexuality in Hungary
Hungarian Historical Review: New Series of Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae, 10(2), 267–300

Takács Judit - Swart Gregory Alexander (2021)
Több változó, több elutasítás? (More variables, more rejection?) 11(2)3-29 published online: July 2021 (open access)
Több változó, több elutasítás? (More variables, more rejection?) 11(2)3-29 published online: July 2021 (open access)

Ochsner, Michael; Szalma, Ivett; Takacs, Judit (2020)
Division of Labour, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy: Conclusions and Reflections
Social Inclusion 8(4) Commentary Published online: 9 October 2020 (open access)
Division of Labour, Work–Life Conflict and Family Policy: Conclusions and Reflections
Social Inclusion 8(4) Commentary Published online: 9 October 2020 (open access)

Szalma, Ivett; Ochsner, Michael; Takacs, Judit (2020)
Linking Labour Division within Families, Work-Life Conflict and Family Policy
Social Inclusion 8(4) Editorial published online: 9 October 2020 (open access)
Linking Labour Division within Families, Work-Life Conflict and Family Policy
Social Inclusion 8(4) Editorial published online: 9 October 2020 (open access)

Takács J; Szalma I (2020)
Democracy deficit and homophobic divergence in 21st century Europe
Gender, Place & Culture, 27(4): 459-478, Published online: 8 July 2019
Democracy deficit and homophobic divergence in 21st century Europe
Gender, Place & Culture, 27(4): 459-478, Published online: 8 July 2019

Takács J (2019)
How involved are involved fathers in Hungary? Exploring caring masculinities in a post-socialist context
Families, Relationships, and Societies – Published online: 23 August 2019
How involved are involved fathers in Hungary? Exploring caring masculinities in a post-socialist context
Families, Relationships, and Societies – Published online: 23 August 2019

Takács, Judit – Szalma, Ivett (2019)
Social attitudes towards homosexuality in Hungary and Romania: Does the main religious denomination matter?
Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 5(1):71-99.
Social attitudes towards homosexuality in Hungary and Romania: Does the main religious denomination matter?
Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 5(1):71-99.

Szalma I – Takács J (2018)
A gyermektelenség mintázatai magyar férfiak körében: egy interjús vizsgálat folytatása
Szociológiai Szemle 28(3): 60–86
A gyermektelenség mintázatai magyar férfiak körében: egy interjús vizsgálat folytatása
Szociológiai Szemle 28(3): 60–86

Takács, Judit (2018)
Limiting Queer Reproduction in Hungary
Journal of International Women’s Studies, 20(1): 68-80
Available at:
Limiting Queer Reproduction in Hungary
Journal of International Women’s Studies, 20(1): 68-80
Available at:

Kuhar R – Monro S – Takács J (2018)
Trans* Citizenship in Post-socialist Societies
In: Critical Social Policy, 38(1): 99–120.
Article first published online: October 19, 2017
Trans* Citizenship in Post-socialist Societies
In: Critical Social Policy, 38(1): 99–120.
Article first published online: October 19, 2017

Takács J (2018)
Az intézményesített homofóbia állambiztonsági alkalmazása az 1960-as évek Magyarországán
In: Társadalomtudományi Szemle 8(1):180–198.
Az intézményesített homofóbia állambiztonsági alkalmazása az 1960-as évek Magyarországán
In: Társadalomtudományi Szemle 8(1):180–198.

Takács J – P.Tóth T (2017)
Megbélyegzett kapcsolatok az államszocialista Magyarországon
In: Társadalomtudományi Szemle 7(3): 63–85.
Megbélyegzett kapcsolatok az államszocialista Magyarországon
In: Társadalomtudományi Szemle 7(3): 63–85.

Takács J – Kuhar R – P.Tóth T (2017)
“Unnatural Fornication” Cases under State-Socialism: A Hungarian–Slovenian Comparative Social-Historical Approach
In: Journal of Homosexuality 64(14):1943–1960.
“Unnatural Fornication” Cases under State-Socialism: A Hungarian–Slovenian Comparative Social-Historical Approach
In: Journal of Homosexuality 64(14):1943–1960.

Kurimay A – Takács J (2017)
Emergence of the Hungarian Homosexual Movement in Late Refrigerator Socialism
In: Sexualities20(5-6):585–603.
Emergence of the Hungarian Homosexual Movement in Late Refrigerator Socialism
In: Sexualities20(5-6):585–603.

P.Tóth T – Takács J – Mocsonaki L (2017)
A stigmatizáció hatásai HIV-vel élő meleg férfiakra Magyarországon
In: Esély Társadalom- és szociálpolitikai folyóirat 29(1): 45–71.
A stigmatizáció hatásai HIV-vel élő meleg férfiakra Magyarországon
In: Esély Társadalom- és szociálpolitikai folyóirat 29(1): 45–71.

Takács J (2016)
Homoszexuálisok listázása a 20. századi Magyarországon
In: Korall Társadalomtörténeti Folyóirat 66: 5–31.
Homoszexuálisok listázása a 20. századi Magyarországon
In: Korall Társadalomtörténeti Folyóirat 66: 5–31.

Neményi M – Takács J (2016)
Main Breadwinner Women in Hungary and Their Work-family Balance Related Coping Strategies
In: Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 2(3): 97–117.
Main Breadwinner Women in Hungary and Their Work-family Balance Related Coping Strategies
In: Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 2(3): 97–117.

Takács J – P.Tóth T (2016)
Az „Idegbizottság” szerepe a homoszexualitás magyarországi dekriminalizációjában
In: Társadalomtudományi Szemle 6(2):207–223.
Az „Idegbizottság” szerepe a homoszexualitás magyarországi dekriminalizációjában
In: Társadalomtudományi Szemle 6(2):207–223.

Takács J – Szalma I – Bartus T (2016)
Social Attitudes toward Adoption by Same-Sex Couples in Europe
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior – Published online first: 2016-02-26
Social Attitudes toward Adoption by Same-Sex Couples in Europe
In: Archives of Sexual Behavior – Published online first: 2016-02-26

Szalma I – Takács J (2015)
Who Remains Childless? Unrealized Fertility Plans in Hungary.
In: Sociologicky časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 51(6): 1047–1075.
Who Remains Childless? Unrealized Fertility Plans in Hungary.
In: Sociologicky časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 51(6): 1047–1075.

Szalma Ivett – Takács Judit (2015)
Gyermektelenség – és ami mögötte van. Egy interjús vizsgálat eredményei.
In: Demográfia 57(2-3):109-137.
Gyermektelenség – és ami mögötte van. Egy interjús vizsgálat eredményei.
In: Demográfia 57(2-3):109-137.

Neményi Mária – Takács Judit (2015)
Örökbefogadás és diszkrimináció Magyarországon
In: Esély 27(2): 32-61.
Örökbefogadás és diszkrimináció Magyarországon
In: Esély 27(2): 32-61.

Amirkhanian, YA – Kelly, JA – Takács, J – McAuliffe, TL – Kuznetsova, AV – P. Toth, T et al. (2015)
Effects of a social network HIV/STD prevention intervention for MSM in Russia and Hungary: a randomized controlled trial
In: AIDS 29(5):583-93.
PMID: 25565495
Effects of a social network HIV/STD prevention intervention for MSM in Russia and Hungary: a randomized controlled trial
In: AIDS 29(5):583-93.
PMID: 25565495

Takács J (2015)
Disciplining gender and (homo)sexuality in state socialist Hungary in the 1970s
In: European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire 22(1):161-175. (Published online: 24 Dec 2014)
Disciplining gender and (homo)sexuality in state socialist Hungary in the 1970s
In: European Review of History: Revue européenne d'histoire 22(1):161-175. (Published online: 24 Dec 2014)

Takács J – Szalma I (2014)
A homoszexualitással kapcsolatos társadalmi attitűdök vizsgálata Magyarországon és Romániában.
In: Erdélyi Társadalom 12(1):9-30.
A homoszexualitással kapcsolatos társadalmi attitűdök vizsgálata Magyarországon és Romániában.
In: Erdélyi Társadalom 12(1):9-30.
Takács J – Szalma I (2013)
How to Measure Homophobia in an International Comparison?
In: Družboslovne razprave XXIX (2013), 73: 11–42.
How to Measure Homophobia in an International Comparison?
In: Družboslovne razprave XXIX (2013), 73: 11–42.
Kuhar R – Takács J (2013)
Homophobia – a unifying experience?
In: Družboslovne razprave XXIX (2013), 73: 7–10.
Homophobia – a unifying experience?
In: Družboslovne razprave XXIX (2013), 73: 7–10.
"Robert Kulpa and Joanna Mizielińska (eds.), De-Centring Western Sexualities:
Central and Eastern European Perspectives (Farnham: 2011: Ashgate)" A Comment
In: Southeastern Europe 2013, 37(1):89–96.
In: Southeastern Europe 2013, 37(1):89–96.

Takács J – Kelly J A – P.Tóth T – Mocsonaki L – Amirkhanian Y A (2012)
Effects of Stigmatization on Gay Men Living with HIV/AIDS in a Central-Eastern European Context: A Qualitative Analysis from Hungary
In: Sexuality Research and Social Policy 2013, 10(1):24-34
Published Online First 2012-10-28
United States National Institutes of Health Public Access link
pdf | ePub
Effects of Stigmatization on Gay Men Living with HIV/AIDS in a Central-Eastern European Context: A Qualitative Analysis from Hungary
In: Sexuality Research and Social Policy 2013, 10(1):24-34
Published Online First 2012-10-28
United States National Institutes of Health Public Access link
pdf | ePub

Takács J – Szalma I (2012)
Az azonos nemű párok általi örökbefogadással kapcsolatos attitűdök Magyarországon (Attitudes towards Adoption by Same-Sex Couples in Hungary)
In: SOCIO.HU (7) 1-33. DOI:
Az azonos nemű párok általi örökbefogadással kapcsolatos attitűdök Magyarországon (Attitudes towards Adoption by Same-Sex Couples in Hungary)
In: SOCIO.HU (7) 1-33. DOI:

Termékenységi korlátok a 21. század eleji Magyarországon
(Fertility Limits in Early 21st Century Hungary)
In: Demográfia 55(2-3): 147-171, 2012.
In: Demográfia 55(2-3): 147-171, 2012.
Szalma I – Takács J (2012)
A gyermektelenséget meghatározó tényezők Magyarországon (Factors Influencing Childlessness in Hungary)
In: Demográfia 55(1): 44-68, 2012.
A gyermektelenséget meghatározó tényezők Magyarországon (Factors Influencing Childlessness in Hungary)
In: Demográfia 55(1): 44-68, 2012.
Takács J – Szalma I (2012)
Homofóbia és az azonos nemű partnerkapcsolatok intézményesítettsége Európában
(Homophobia and the institutionalisation of same-sex partnerships in Europe)
In: Szociológiai Szemle 22(1): 61–88
Homofóbia és az azonos nemű partnerkapcsolatok intézményesítettsége Európában
(Homophobia and the institutionalisation of same-sex partnerships in Europe)
In: Szociológiai Szemle 22(1): 61–88
Takács J – Borgos A (2011)
Voicing Women in Eastern Europe – An Introduction
In: Journal of Lesbian Studies 2011, 15(3):265-270
Voicing Women in Eastern Europe – An Introduction
In: Journal of Lesbian Studies 2011, 15(3):265-270

Takács J – Szalma I (2011)
Homophobia and same-sex partnership legislation in Europe
In: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 2011 Volume 30(5): 356-378
Homophobia and same-sex partnership legislation in Europe
In: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 2011 Volume 30(5): 356-378

Hobson B – Fahlén S – Takács J (2011)
Erratum: Agency and Capabilities to Achieve a Work-Life Balance: A Comparison of Sweden and Hungary
In: Social Politics 18(2):168-198
Erratum: Agency and Capabilities to Achieve a Work-Life Balance: A Comparison of Sweden and Hungary
In: Social Politics 18(2):168-198

Hobson B – Fahlén S – Takács J (2011)
Agency and Capabilities to Achieve a Work-Life Balance: A Comparison of Sweden and Hungary
In: Social Politics 18(2):168-198
Agency and Capabilities to Achieve a Work-Life Balance: A Comparison of Sweden and Hungary
In: Social Politics 18(2):168-198

LGBT youth at school: being threatened by heteronormative oppression
In: Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies, 2009 November, Vol. 60 (126) No. 4: 68-88
In: Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies, 2009 November, Vol. 60 (126) No. 4: 68-88
Mlade LGBT-osebe v šoli: žrtve heteronormativnega zatiranja
In: Sodobna Pedagogika 2009 November, Vol. 60 (126) No. 4: 48-67
In: Sodobna Pedagogika 2009 November, Vol. 60 (126) No. 4: 48-67
Amirkhanian Y A, Kelly J A, Takacs J, Kuznetsova A V, DiFranceisco W J, Mocsonaki L,
McAuliffe T L, Khoursine R A, P.Toth T (2009)
HIV/STD Prevalence, Risk Behavior, and Substance Use Patterns and Predictors in Russian and Hungarian Sociocentric Social Networks of Men Who Have Sex with Men
In: AIDS Education and Prevention 21(3): 266-279 (2009)
United States National Institutes of Health Public Access link
PMCID: PMC2802572
PMID: 19519240
HIV/STD Prevalence, Risk Behavior, and Substance Use Patterns and Predictors in Russian and Hungarian Sociocentric Social Networks of Men Who Have Sex with Men
In: AIDS Education and Prevention 21(3): 266-279 (2009)
United States National Institutes of Health Public Access link
PMCID: PMC2802572
PMID: 19519240

Takács Judit – Mocsonaki László – P.Tóth Tamás (2008)
A leszbikus, meleg, biszexuális és transznemű (LMBT) emberek társadalmi kirekesztettsége Magyarországon. (‘Social exclusion of LGBT people in Hungary’)
In: Esély 2008/3. 19(3):16-54.
A leszbikus, meleg, biszexuális és transznemű (LMBT) emberek társadalmi kirekesztettsége Magyarországon. (‘Social exclusion of LGBT people in Hungary’)
In: Esély 2008/3. 19(3):16-54.

Ha mosogatógép nem lenne, már elváltunk volna…
Férfiak és nők otthoni munkamegosztása európai összehasonlításban --
ÁBRÁK külön
(“If there were no dish-washer at home, we would already have gotten a divorce…” Sharing of domestic work between men and women – a European comparison)
In: Esély 2008/6. 19(6):51-73.
(“If there were no dish-washer at home, we would already have gotten a divorce…” Sharing of domestic work between men and women – a European comparison)
In: Esély 2008/6. 19(6):51-73.
Előítélet és megkülönböztetés az iskolában: Leszbikus, meleg, biszexuális és
transznemű (LMBT) fiatalok iskolai tapasztalatai Európában. ('Prejudice and
discrimination in school: school experiences of young LGBT people in Europe')
In: Educatio 2007(1):67-83.
In: Educatio 2007(1):67-83.
Mária Neményi – Judit Takács (2006)
Changing Family – Changing Policies
In: Review of Sociology of the Hungarian Sociological Association Vol. 12 (2006) 2, 37-63.
Changing Family – Changing Policies
In: Review of Sociology of the Hungarian Sociological Association Vol. 12 (2006) 2, 37-63.
Judit Takacs – Yuri A. Amirkhanian – Jeffrey A. Kelly – Anna V. Kirsanova – Roman A. Khoursine – Laszlo Mocsonaki (2006)
“Condoms Are Reliable but I Am Not”: A Qualitative Analysis of AIDS-Related Beliefs and Attitudes of Young Heterosexual Adults in Budapest, Hungary and St. Petersburg, Russia.
In: Central European Journal of Public Health, 14(1):59-66.
DOI: https//
“Condoms Are Reliable but I Am Not”: A Qualitative Analysis of AIDS-Related Beliefs and Attitudes of Young Heterosexual Adults in Budapest, Hungary and St. Petersburg, Russia.
In: Central European Journal of Public Health, 14(1):59-66.
DOI: https//

Neményi Mária – Takács Judit (2005)
Változó család – változó politikák (‘Changing family – changing policies’).
In: Szociológiai Szemle 2005, 4:41-59.
Változó család – változó politikák (‘Changing family – changing policies’).
In: Szociológiai Szemle 2005, 4:41-59.
Neményi Mária – Takács Judit (2005)
Befogadás és idegenellenesség Európában és Magyarországon (‘Social inclusion and xenophobia in Europe and in Hungary’).
In: Esély 2005, 5:24-52.
Journal's archive figures in a separate pdf
Befogadás és idegenellenesség Európában és Magyarországon (‘Social inclusion and xenophobia in Europe and in Hungary’).
In: Esély 2005, 5:24-52.
Journal's archive figures in a separate pdf

Y.A. Amirkhanian – J.A. Kelly – E. Kabakchieva – A.V. Kirsanova – S. Vassileva – J. Takács –
W.J. DiFranceisco – T.L. McAuliffe – R.A. Khoursine – L. Mocsonaki (2005)
A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Social Network HIV Prevention Intervention with Young Men Who Have Sex with Men In Russia and Bulgaria.
In: AIDS, 19:1897-1905.
DOI: https//
A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a Social Network HIV Prevention Intervention with Young Men Who Have Sex with Men In Russia and Bulgaria.
In: AIDS, 19:1897-1905.
DOI: https//

Én a parlament kérésére akadékoskodom – Interjú Hans Ytterberggel.
(‘The parliament told me to be difficult’ – Interview with Hans Ytterberg, the Swedish Ombudsman Against
Discrimination on Grounds of Sexual Orientation)
In: Esély 2005, 3:117–121. (
In: Esély 2005, 3:117–121. (

Soziale Repräsentation der Homosexualität im heutigen Ungarn
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 2003(1) 72–79.
In: Zeitschrift für Sexualforschung 2003(1) 72–79.
Bevezetés a homoszexualizálás tudományába
(‘Introduction to the Science of Homosexualisation’)
In: Replika 33-34. 1998 December, pp. 203–213.
In: Replika 33-34. 1998 December, pp. 203–213.

ECDC Publications
Emilie Karafillakis; Sam Martin; Clarissa Simas; Kate Olsson; Judit Takacs; Sara Dada; Heidi Jane Larson (2021)
Methods for Social Media Monitoring Related to Vaccination: Systematic Scoping Review
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 7(2)
Methods for Social Media Monitoring Related to Vaccination: Systematic Scoping Review
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 7(2)

Daniel H. de Vries, John Kinsman, Judit Takacs, Svetla Tsolova, Massimo Ciotti (2020)
Methodology for assessment of public health preparedness and response synergies between institutional authorities and the community
BMC Health Services Research, 20, 411 (2020).
Methodology for assessment of public health preparedness and response synergies between institutional authorities and the community
BMC Health Services Research, 20, 411 (2020).

Daniel de Vries, John Kinsman, Lianne Cremers, Mariana Rios, Judit Takács, Massimo Ciotti, Svetla Tsolova (2020)
Community engagement for public health events caused by communicable disease threats in the EU/EEA
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Community engagement for public health events caused by communicable disease threats in the EU/EEA, 2020. Stockholm: ECDC; 2020.
ISBN 978-92-9498-454-8
Community engagement for public health events caused by communicable disease threats in the EU/EEA
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Community engagement for public health events caused by communicable disease threats in the EU/EEA, 2020. Stockholm: ECDC; 2020.
ISBN 978-92-9498-454-8

Emilie Karafillakis, Clarissa Simas, Caitlin Jarrett, Pierre Verger, Patrick Peretti-Watel, Fadia Dib, Stefania De Angelis, Judit Takacs, Karam Adel Ali, Lucia Pastore Celentano & Heidi Larson (2019)
HPV vaccination in a context of public mistrust and uncertainty: a systematic literature review of determinants of HPV vaccine hesitancy in Europe
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 15:7-8, 1615-1627,
HPV vaccination in a context of public mistrust and uncertainty: a systematic literature review of determinants of HPV vaccine hesitancy in Europe
Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 15:7-8, 1615-1627,

Stoto, Michael A.; Savoia Elena; Nelson Christopher; Piltch-Loeb Rachael; Guicciardi Stefano;
Takacs Judit; Varela Santos Carmen; Ciotti Massimo (2018)
Development of a public health emergency preparedness competency model for European Union countries
EuroSurveillance 23(49):pii=1700631. Published 2018-12-06
Development of a public health emergency preparedness competency model for European Union countries
EuroSurveillance 23(49):pii=1700631. Published 2018-12-06

Ramsbottom, A; O'Brien, E; Ciotti, L; Takacs J (2018)
Enablers and barriers to community engagement in public health emergency preparedness: A literature review
Journal of Community Health 43(2), 412-420.
Enablers and barriers to community engagement in public health emergency preparedness: A literature review
Journal of Community Health 43(2), 412-420.

Karafillakis E; Dinca I; Apfel F; Cecconi S; Würz A; Takacs J; Suk J; Pastore-Celentano L; Kramarz P; Larson H J (2016)
Vaccine hesitancy among healthcare workers in Europe: A qualitative study
Vaccine 34(41):5013-5020.
Vaccine hesitancy among healthcare workers in Europe: A qualitative study
Vaccine 34(41):5013-5020.

Szalma Ivett – Takács Judit (2022)
Családszociológiai mozaik
Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó pp. 209.
ISBN 978-963-615-001-3
Családszociológiai mozaik
Debrecen: Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó pp. 209.
ISBN 978-963-615-001-3
Cornelia Möser - Jennifer Ramme - Judit Takács (Eds.) (2022)
Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe
palgrave macmillan pp. 278.
ISBN 978-3-030-81341-3
Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe
palgrave macmillan pp. 278.

Takács J (2018)
Meleg század. Adalékok a homoszexualitás 20. századi magyarországi társadalomtörténetéhez
Budapest: Kalligram – MTA TK pp. 256.
ISBN 978-963-468-040-6
Meleg század. Adalékok a homoszexualitás 20. századi magyarországi társadalomtörténetéhez
Budapest: Kalligram – MTA TK pp. 256.

Takács J (Co-editor) – P.Tóth T (2016)
Kisebbség, többség, többszörösség – Kisebbségi-többségi viszonyok a magyar társadalomban
Budapest: MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Szociológiai Intézet, pp. 315.
ISBN 978-963-8302-51-9
Kisebbség, többség, többszörösség – Kisebbségi-többségi viszonyok a magyar társadalomban
Budapest: MTA Társadalomtudományi Kutatóközpont Szociológiai Intézet, pp. 315.

Takács J (2015)
Homophobia and Genderphobia in the European Union: Policy contexts and empirical evidence.
Stockholm: SIEPS (Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies), pp. 88.
ISBN: 978-91-86107-52-9
Homophobia and Genderphobia in the European Union: Policy contexts and empirical evidence.
Stockholm: SIEPS (Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies), pp. 88.

Neményi Mária, Ferencz Zoltán, Laki Ildikó, Ságvári Bence, Takács Judit, Tardos Katalin, Tibori Timea (2013)
Az egyenlő bánásmóddal kapcsolatos jogtudatosság növekedésének elemzése 2010-2013 között – fókuszban a nők, a romák, a fogyatékos és az LMBT emberek
Budapest: Egyenlő Bánásmód Hatóság, pp. 94.
ISBN: 978-963-89774-6-5
Az egyenlő bánásmóddal kapcsolatos jogtudatosság növekedésének elemzése 2010-2013 között – fókuszban a nők, a romák, a fogyatékos és az LMBT emberek
Budapest: Egyenlő Bánásmód Hatóság, pp. 94.

Társadalmi integráció a jelenkori Magyarországon (‘Social Integration in Present-day Hungary’)
– Kovách I – Dupcsik Cs – P.Tóth T – Takács J (Co-editor)
Argumentum Kiadó, Budapest, 2012,
ISBN: 978-963-446-680-2
Argumentum Kiadó, Budapest, 2012,

DOING FAMILIES Gay and Lesbian Family Practices – Co-Editor with R. Kuhar
Mirovni Institut, Ljubljana, 2011
ISBN: 978-961-645-571-8
Mirovni Institut, Ljubljana, 2011

Homofóbia Magyarországon (‘Homophobia in Hungary’) – Editor
L'Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest, 2011 ISBN: 963-236-46298
L'Harmattan Kiadó, Budapest, 2011 ISBN: 963-236-46298
Nézőpontok. Fiatal kutatók tanulmányai (‘Perspectives. Studies by Young Researchers’)
Dupcsik Cs – Kovách I – P.Tóth T – Takács J (Co-editor)
MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet, Budapest, 2011, ISBN: 978-963-8302-42-7
ISBN: 978-963-8302-42-7
Dupcsik Cs – Kovách I – P.Tóth T – Takács J (Co-editor)
MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet, Budapest, 2011, ISBN: 978-963-8302-42-7

BEYOND THE PINK CURTAIN – Co-Editor with R. Kuhar
Mirovni Institut, Ljubljana, 2007
ISBN: 961-645-545-9
Mirovni Institut, Ljubljana, 2007

How to put equality into practice?
Anti-discrimination and equal treatment policymaking and LGBT people /
Az egyenlő bánásmód gyakorlatai – Új Mandátum Kiadó, Budapest, 2007
ISBN: 963-960-965-5
Az egyenlő bánásmód gyakorlatai – Új Mandátum Kiadó, Budapest, 2007

Takács J
Social exclusion of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Europe
ILGA-Europe and IGLYO, Brussels – April 2006
Social exclusion of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in Europe
ILGA-Europe and IGLYO, Brussels – April 2006

A lélek műtétei (‘Surgery of the Soul’) – Editor
Új Mandátum Kiadó, Budapest, 2006

Book Chapters
Takács Judit – Szalma Ivett (2022)
A homoszexualitással kapcsolatos társadalmi attitűdök a 21. század elején Magyarországon
In: Kolosi Tamás – Szelényi Iván – Tóth István György (szerk.) Társadalmi Riport 2022. Budapest: TÁRKI
A homoszexualitással kapcsolatos társadalmi attitűdök a 21. század elején Magyarországon
In: Kolosi Tamás – Szelényi Iván – Tóth István György (szerk.) Társadalmi Riport 2022. Budapest: TÁRKI
Legalizing queerness in Central-Eastern Europe
In: Fábián, Johnson and Lazda (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Gender in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Routledge, pp. 246-254.
ISBN 978-1-138-34775-5
Legalizing queerness in Central-Eastern Europe
In: Fábián, Johnson and Lazda (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Gender in Central-Eastern Europe and Eurasia, Routledge, pp. 246-254.
ISBN 978-1-138-34775-5
Cornelia Möser – Jennifer Ramme – Judit Takács (2022)
Paradoxes That Matter: Introducing Critical Perspectives on Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe
In: Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe, palgrave macmillan, pp. 1-24.
ISBN 978-030-81340-6
Paradoxes That Matter: Introducing Critical Perspectives on Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe
In: Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe, palgrave macmillan, pp. 1-24.
ISBN 978-030-81340-6
Bartha Attila – Kopasz Marianna – Takács Judit (2020)
A populisták jobban csinálják? (Are the Populists Doing Better?)
A koronavírus-járvány közpolitikai tanulságai: járványkezelés az európai liberális és populista demokráciákban (Public Policy Lessons of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Management of the Pandemic in Europe's Liberal and Populist Democracies)
In: Vírusba oltott politika: Világjárvány és politikatudomány (Virus Vaccinated by Politics: Pandemics and Political Sciences vaccinated). Napvilág Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 89-108.
ISBN 978-963-338-465-7
A populisták jobban csinálják? (Are the Populists Doing Better?)
A koronavírus-járvány közpolitikai tanulságai: járványkezelés az európai liberális és populista demokráciákban (Public Policy Lessons of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Management of the Pandemic in Europe's Liberal and Populist Democracies)
In: Vírusba oltott politika: Világjárvány és politikatudomány (Virus Vaccinated by Politics: Pandemics and Political Sciences vaccinated). Napvilág Kiadó, Budapest, pp. 89-108.
ISBN 978-963-338-465-7
Csiszár Gábor – Takács Judit (2019)
Nemiszerepáthágás- és homoszexualitásreprezentációk Az Est 1933-as évfolyamában
In: Lukács Anikó – Tóth Árpád (szerk.) Az érzelmek története. 407-418. (Rendi társadalom – polgári társadalom 31.) Budapest: Hajnal Istvan Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület.
ISBN 978-963-89463-7-9
Nemiszerepáthágás- és homoszexualitásreprezentációk Az Est 1933-as évfolyamában
In: Lukács Anikó – Tóth Árpád (szerk.) Az érzelmek története. 407-418. (Rendi társadalom – polgári társadalom 31.) Budapest: Hajnal Istvan Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület.
ISBN 978-963-89463-7-9
Takács J (2018)
Homosexuals and the labour service system in Horthy’s Hungary
In: Régis Schlagdenhauffen (ed.) Queer in Europe during the Second World War. 78-87. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
ISBN 978-92-871-8464-1
Homosexuals and the labour service system in Horthy’s Hungary
In: Régis Schlagdenhauffen (ed.) Queer in Europe during the Second World War. 78-87. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
ISBN 978-92-871-8464-1
Szalma Ivett – Takács Judit (2018)
Is There Voluntary Childlessness At All in Hungary?
In: Natalie Sappleton (ed.) Voluntary and Involuntary: The Joys of Otherhood? 309-336. Emerald Publishing Limited
Is There Voluntary Childlessness At All in Hungary?
In: Natalie Sappleton (ed.) Voluntary and Involuntary: The Joys of Otherhood? 309-336. Emerald Publishing Limited
Neményi Mária – Takács Judit (2018)
Családfenntartó anyák munka-magánélet harmonizációs kísérletei Magyarországon
355–380 in: Nagy B. – Géring Zs. – Király G. (szerk.) Dilemmák és stratégiák a család és munka összehangolásában. Budapest: L’Harmattan. ISBN 978-963-414-394-9
Családfenntartó anyák munka-magánélet harmonizációs kísérletei Magyarországon
355–380 in: Nagy B. – Géring Zs. – Király G. (szerk.) Dilemmák és stratégiák a család és munka összehangolásában. Budapest: L’Harmattan. ISBN 978-963-414-394-9
Takács J (2017)
Les homosexuels et le travail forcé dans la Hongrie de Horthy (Traduit de l’anglais par Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat) 105–116.
In: Régis Schlagdenhauffen (ed.) Homosexuel.le.s en Europe pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Nouveau Monde: Paris.
ISBN 9782369425564 Description in French
Les homosexuels et le travail forcé dans la Hongrie de Horthy (Traduit de l’anglais par Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat) 105–116.
In: Régis Schlagdenhauffen (ed.) Homosexuel.le.s en Europe pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Nouveau Monde: Paris.
ISBN 9782369425564 Description in French
Szalma I – Takács J (2017)
How to measure fathering practices in a European comparison?
228–249. In: Michael J. Breen (ed.) Values and Identities in Europe: Evidence from the European Social Survey Routledge: Abingdon. ISBN 9781138226661
How to measure fathering practices in a European comparison?
228–249. In: Michael J. Breen (ed.) Values and Identities in Europe: Evidence from the European Social Survey Routledge: Abingdon. ISBN 9781138226661
Takács J (2017)
Listing Homosexuals since the 1920s and under State Socialism in Hungary
157–170. In: C. Baker (ed.) Gender in 20th-Century Eastern Europe and the USSR Palgrave: London. ISBN 9781137528025
Listing Homosexuals since the 1920s and under State Socialism in Hungary
157–170. In: C. Baker (ed.) Gender in 20th-Century Eastern Europe and the USSR Palgrave: London. ISBN 9781137528025
Takács J (2016)
LGBT Employees in the Hungarian Labor Market.
233–252. In: Köllen, Thomas (ed.) Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations: Global Perspectives on LGBT Workforce Diversity. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-29621-0
Chapter DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29623-4_14
LGBT Employees in the Hungarian Labor Market.
233–252. In: Köllen, Thomas (ed.) Sexual Orientation and Transgender Issues in Organizations: Global Perspectives on LGBT Workforce Diversity. Springer International Publishing. ISBN 978-3-319-29621-0
Chapter DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29623-4_14
Takács J – Csiszár G (2015)
Fiúlányok és nőimitátorok. Nemváltás-reprezentációk Az Estben 1910 és 1930 között.
79–92. In: Gyimesi Emese – Lénárt András – Takács Erzsébet (szerk.) A test a társadalomban. Budapest: Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület. ISBN 978-963-89463-3-1
Fiúlányok és nőimitátorok. Nemváltás-reprezentációk Az Estben 1910 és 1930 között.
79–92. In: Gyimesi Emese – Lénárt András – Takács Erzsébet (szerk.) A test a társadalomban. Budapest: Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület. ISBN 978-963-89463-3-1
Takács J (2014)
Queering Budapest
In: Jennifer V. Evans – Matt Cook (eds.) Queer Cities, Queer Cultures: Europe since 1945
London: Bloomsbury. pp. 191-210. ISBN 9781441148407
Queering Budapest
In: Jennifer V. Evans – Matt Cook (eds.) Queer Cities, Queer Cultures: Europe since 1945
London: Bloomsbury. pp. 191-210. ISBN 9781441148407
Hobson B – Fahlén S – Takács J (2014)
A sense of entitlement? Agency and capabilities in Sweden and Hungary
57-91. In: Barbara Hobson (ed.) Worklife Balance. The Agency & Capabilities Gap. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 978-0-19-968113-6
A sense of entitlement? Agency and capabilities in Sweden and Hungary
57-91. In: Barbara Hobson (ed.) Worklife Balance. The Agency & Capabilities Gap. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 978-0-19-968113-6
Szalma I – Takács J (2013)
Should men have more rights...? Gender-role-related attitudes before and during the 2008 crisis.
207-234. In: Guðmundur Jónsson and Kolbeinn Stefánsson (Eds.) Retrenchment and Renewal? Welfare States in Times of Economic Crises (Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 6.) – Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel: Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-10-8675-5
Should men have more rights...? Gender-role-related attitudes before and during the 2008 crisis.
207-234. In: Guðmundur Jónsson and Kolbeinn Stefánsson (Eds.) Retrenchment and Renewal? Welfare States in Times of Economic Crises (Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 6.) – Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel: Helsinki. ISBN 978-952-10-8675-5
Unattainable desires? Childbearing capabilities in early 21st century Hungary.
In: Livia Sz. Oláh and Ewa Fratczak (eds.) Childbearing, Women’s Employment and Work-Life Balance Policies in Contemporary Europe.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 179-206. ISBN 9780230320888
In: Livia Sz. Oláh and Ewa Fratczak (eds.) Childbearing, Women’s Employment and Work-Life Balance Policies in Contemporary Europe.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 179-206. ISBN 9780230320888
Takács J – Dombos T (2012)
Az LMBT-emberek társadalmi integrációját segítő tényezők Magyarországon (Factors Contributing to the Social Integration of LGBT People in Hungary)
In: Kovách I – Dupcsik Cs – P.Tóth T – Takács J (Eds.) Társadalmi integráció a jelenkori Magyarországon (Social Integration in Present-day Hungary). Budapest: Argumentum Kiadó, 2012; 383-397.
Az LMBT-emberek társadalmi integrációját segítő tényezők Magyarországon (Factors Contributing to the Social Integration of LGBT People in Hungary)
In: Kovách I – Dupcsik Cs – P.Tóth T – Takács J (Eds.) Társadalmi integráció a jelenkori Magyarországon (Social Integration in Present-day Hungary). Budapest: Argumentum Kiadó, 2012; 383-397.
Plantenga, J – Remery, C – Takács, J (2012)
Public Support to Young Families in the European Union
In: Knijn, T (ed.) Work, Family Policies and Transitions to Adulthood in Europe.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012; 180-201.
Public Support to Young Families in the European Union
In: Knijn, T (ed.) Work, Family Policies and Transitions to Adulthood in Europe.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012; 180-201.
Kuhar, R – Takács, J – Kam-Tuck Yip, A (2012)
Introduction to the Sociological Case Studies
In: Trappolin, L. – Gasparini, A. – Wintemute, R. (eds.): Confronting Homophobia in Europe (Social and Legal Perspectives). Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2012; 79-105.
pdf | ePub
Introduction to the Sociological Case Studies
In: Trappolin, L. – Gasparini, A. – Wintemute, R. (eds.): Confronting Homophobia in Europe (Social and Legal Perspectives). Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2012; 79-105.
pdf | ePub
Takács, J. – Dombos, T. – Mészáros, Gy. – P.Tóth, T. (2012)
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Bother: Homophobia and the Heteronorm in Hungary
In: Trappolin, L. – Gasparini, A. – Wintemute, R. (eds.): Confronting Homophobia in Europe (Social and Legal Perspectives). Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2012; 79-105.
pdf | ePub
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Don’t Bother: Homophobia and the Heteronorm in Hungary
In: Trappolin, L. – Gasparini, A. – Wintemute, R. (eds.): Confronting Homophobia in Europe (Social and Legal Perspectives). Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2012; 79-105.
pdf | ePub
Homofóbia Magyarországon és Európában.
In: Takács J (ed.): Homofóbia Magyarországon. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2011; 15-34.
In: Takács J (ed.): Homofóbia Magyarországon. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2011; 15-34.
Dombos Tamás – Takács Judit – P.Tóth Tamás – Mocsonaki László (2011)
Az LMBT emberek magyarországi helyzetének rövid áttekintése.
In: Takács J (ed.): Homofóbia Magyarországon. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2011; 35-54.
Az LMBT emberek magyarországi helyzetének rövid áttekintése.
In: Takács J (ed.): Homofóbia Magyarországon. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2011; 35-54.
Előszó: A homofóbia megnyilvánulásai a magyar társadalomban
In: Takács J (ed.): Homofóbia Magyarországon. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2011; 11-14.
In: Takács J (ed.): Homofóbia Magyarországon. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2011; 11-14.
Takács J – Szalma I (2010)
Social Acceptance of Lesbian Women and Gay Men in Europe and in Hungary.
In: Füstös L. – Guba L. – Szalma I. (eds.): European Social Register 2010. Social Attitudes in Europe. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2010; 228-262.
Social Acceptance of Lesbian Women and Gay Men in Europe and in Hungary.
In: Füstös L. – Guba L. – Szalma I. (eds.): European Social Register 2010. Social Attitudes in Europe. Budapest: L'Harmattan Kiadó, 2010; 228-262.
Hungary In: Chuck Stewart (ed.) The Greenwood Encyclopedia
of LGBT Issues Worldwide. Volume 2. pp 219-233. Greenwood Press:
Santa Barbara, CA – Oxford, England, (2010).
Limited access to active citizenship: Social exclusion patterns affecting young LGBT people in Europe
In: Ditta Dolejšiová and Miguel Ángel García López (eds.) Challenges for citizenship, citizenship education and democratic practice in Europe
Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2009. 128-137.
In: Ditta Dolejšiová and Miguel Ángel García López (eds.) Challenges for citizenship, citizenship education and democratic practice in Europe
Strasbourg: Council of Europe, 2009. 128-137.
A homoszexualitásról röviden (’On Homosexuality’)
In: A. Pető – Zs. Tarajossy (eds.) A nők és a férfiak története Magyarországon a hosszú 20. században. Kiegészítő tananyag a középiskolák számára. (The History of Women and Men in the Long 20th Century) Budapest: Szociális és Munkaügyi Minisztérium, 2008; 37-38.
In: A. Pető – Zs. Tarajossy (eds.) A nők és a férfiak története Magyarországon a hosszú 20. században. Kiegészítő tananyag a középiskolák számára. (The History of Women and Men in the Long 20th Century) Budapest: Szociális és Munkaügyi Minisztérium, 2008; 37-38.
Nevienodos galimybės: mokykloje patiriama socialinė LGBT jaunimo atskirtis
(’Uneven Playing Fields – Social Exclusion Experienced by LGBT Youth at School’)
In: Arnas Zdanevičius (ed.) Heteronormos hegemonija. Homoseksualių žmonių socialinė atskirtis ir diskriminacijos patirtys. Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas: Kaunas, 2007. Chapter 3. 39-56.
In: Arnas Zdanevičius (ed.) Heteronormos hegemonija. Homoseksualių žmonių socialinė atskirtis ir diskriminacijos patirtys. Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas: Kaunas, 2007. Chapter 3. 39-56.
'It is only extra information' – Social representation and value preferences of gay men in Hungary?
In: R. Kuhar – J. Takács (eds.) Beyond the Pink Curtain. Everyday life of LGBT people in Eastern Europe. Ljubljana: Mirovni Institut, 2007.
In: R. Kuhar – J. Takács (eds.) Beyond the Pink Curtain. Everyday life of LGBT people in Eastern Europe. Ljubljana: Mirovni Institut, 2007.
Bence Solymár – Judit Takács (2007)
Wrong bodies and real selves. Transsexual people in the Hungarian social and health care system
In: R. Kuhar – J. Takács (eds.) Beyond the Pink Curtain. Everyday life of LGBT people in Eastern Europe. Ljubljana: Mirovni Institut, 2007.
Wrong bodies and real selves. Transsexual people in the Hungarian social and health care system
In: R. Kuhar – J. Takács (eds.) Beyond the Pink Curtain. Everyday life of LGBT people in Eastern Europe. Ljubljana: Mirovni Institut, 2007.
From Sex to Gender.
In: A. Pető (ed.) Teaching Gender Studies in Hungary. Budapest: Ministry of Youth, Family and Equal Opportunities, 2006. pp. 108-115.
A szextől a gender felé.
In: Pető A. (ed.) A társadalmi nemek oktatása Magyarországon. Budapest: Ifjúsági, Családügyi és Esélyegyenlőségi Minisztérium, 2006. pp. 109-116.
In: A. Pető (ed.) Teaching Gender Studies in Hungary. Budapest: Ministry of Youth, Family and Equal Opportunities, 2006. pp. 108-115.
A szextől a gender felé.
In: Pető A. (ed.) A társadalmi nemek oktatása Magyarországon. Budapest: Ifjúsági, Családügyi és Esélyegyenlőségi Minisztérium, 2006. pp. 109-116.
The influence of European Institutions on the Hungarian legislation regarding LGBT rights.
In: A. Weyembergh, S. Carstocea (eds.) The gays’ and lesbians’ rights in an enlarged European Union. Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles: Brussels. 2006. pp. 185-207.
In: A. Weyembergh, S. Carstocea (eds.) The gays’ and lesbians’ rights in an enlarged European Union. Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles: Brussels. 2006. pp. 185-207.
A transzszexuális emberek útjai (‘Paths of Transsexual People’)
In: J. Takács (ed.) A lélek műtétei. Budapest: Új Mandátum Kiadó, 2006. pp. 55-148.
In: J. Takács (ed.) A lélek műtétei. Budapest: Új Mandátum Kiadó, 2006. pp. 55-148.
The Double Life of Kertbeny
In: G. Hekma (ed.) Past and Present of Radical Sexual Politics, UvA – Mosse Foundation, Amsterdam, 2004. pp. 26-40.
In: G. Hekma (ed.) Past and Present of Radical Sexual Politics, UvA – Mosse Foundation, Amsterdam, 2004. pp. 26-40.
Magyar meleg férfiak értékválasztási sajátosságai (’Value orientation of Hungarian gay men’)
In: Mi végre a tudomány? Fiatal Kutatók Fóruma 1. – 2003 MTA Társadalomkutató Központ, Budapest 2004. pp. 219-248.
In: Mi végre a tudomány? Fiatal Kutatók Fóruma 1. – 2003 MTA Társadalomkutató Központ, Budapest 2004. pp. 219-248.
A homoszexualitás mint magyar találmány – Kertbeny Károly (homo)szexológiai munkássága (‘Homosexuality as a Hungarian invention – the [homo]sexological work of Károly Kertbeny’)
In: Nők és férfiak ... avagy a nemek története. Láczay Magdolna (ed.) Rendi társadalom – polgári társadalom 16. Nyíregyházi Főiskola Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Nyíregyháza, 2003. pp. 392-400.
In: Nők és férfiak ... avagy a nemek története. Láczay Magdolna (ed.) Rendi társadalom – polgári társadalom 16. Nyíregyházi Főiskola Gazdaságtudományi Kar, Nyíregyháza, 2003. pp. 392-400.
Gendered Modernization in Hungary
In: L. Appleton, L. Hantrais (eds.) Families and Family Policies in Europe: Country Case Studies. Cross-National Research Papers No.6. European Research Centre: Leicestershire, 2003, April 2003 pp. 64-72.
In: L. Appleton, L. Hantrais (eds.) Families and Family Policies in Europe: Country Case Studies. Cross-National Research Papers No.6. European Research Centre: Leicestershire, 2003, April 2003 pp. 64-72.
Homoszexualitás: Deviancia? (‘Homosexuality: Deviance?’)
In: Pikó Bettina (ed.) A deviáns magatartás szociológiai alapjai és megjelenési formái a modern társadalomban. JATE Press, Szeged, 2002. pp. 161-174.
In: Pikó Bettina (ed.) A deviáns magatartás szociológiai alapjai és megjelenési formái a modern társadalomban. JATE Press, Szeged, 2002. pp. 161-174.
(Homo)Sexual Politics: Theory and Practice
In: Ambiguous Identities in the New Europe – Edited by Miklós Hadas and Miklós Vörös. Special Issue of REPLIKA – Hungarian Social Science Quarterly, Budapest, 1997, pp. 93-103.
In: Ambiguous Identities in the New Europe – Edited by Miklós Hadas and Miklós Vörös. Special Issue of REPLIKA – Hungarian Social Science Quarterly, Budapest, 1997, pp. 93-103.
Underlying Contradictions in Hungarian Homosexual Politics
In: Women and Men in East European Transition. – Edited by Margit Feischmidt, Enikő Magyari-Vincze & Violetta Zentai. Cluj-Napoca, 1997, EFES, Cultural Analysis Series, pp. 230-246.
In: Women and Men in East European Transition. – Edited by Margit Feischmidt, Enikő Magyari-Vincze & Violetta Zentai. Cluj-Napoca, 1997, EFES, Cultural Analysis Series, pp. 230-246.
A férfi homoszexualitásról az AIDS kapcsán ('Male Homosexuality in Connection with
AIDS' – article in a reader for trainee social workers)
In: Az AIDS egészségügyi, prevenciós, kulturális és társadalomtudományi megközelítése – Edited by Erzsébet Szilágyi. Budapest, 1996, BGGyF-NEVI. pp. 127-140.
In: Az AIDS egészségügyi, prevenciós, kulturális és társadalomtudományi megközelítése – Edited by Erzsébet Szilágyi. Budapest, 1996, BGGyF-NEVI. pp. 127-140.
A (meleg)média szerepe a homoszexuális közösségek társadalmi
elvárásainak közvetítésében (‘The Role of [Gay]Media in Articulating the
Social Expectations of Homosexual Communities’)
In: A homoszexualitásról – Edited by László Tóth. Budapest, 1994, T-Twins, pp. 119-129.
In: A homoszexualitásról – Edited by László Tóth. Budapest, 1994, T-Twins, pp. 119-129.

Book Reviews
Takács J (2017)
Our gender ghosts and gender angels: A review of Supporting Transgender & Gender Creative Youth: Schools, Families, and Communities in Action
In: Journal of LGBT Youth 14(2):233-236.
Our gender ghosts and gender angels: A review of Supporting Transgender & Gender Creative Youth: Schools, Families, and Communities in Action
In: Journal of LGBT Youth 14(2):233-236.

Takács J (2015)
A post-queer study of postsocialism [Book Review – Francesca Stella (2015) Lesbian Lives in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. Post/Socialism and Gendered Sexualities]
In: Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 1(4):139-145.
A post-queer study of postsocialism [Book Review – Francesca Stella (2015) Lesbian Lives in Soviet and post-Soviet Russia. Post/Socialism and Gendered Sexualities]
In: Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics 1(4):139-145.

Takács J (2008)
Keresd a nőt! (book review)
(recenzió: Bakó Boglárka – Tóth Eszter Zsófia (szerk.) Határtalan nők. Kizártak és befogadottak a női társadalomban. Budapest, Nyitott Könyvműhely, 2008. 414 o.)
In: REGIO Kisebbség, Politika, Társadalom 2008/3: 178-185
Keresd a nőt! (book review)
(recenzió: Bakó Boglárka – Tóth Eszter Zsófia (szerk.) Határtalan nők. Kizártak és befogadottak a női társadalomban. Budapest, Nyitott Könyvműhely, 2008. 414 o.)
In: REGIO Kisebbség, Politika, Társadalom 2008/3: 178-185
Takács J (2002)
Postsocialist Intimacies – A Meta-Anthropological Approach
(Book review: Fieldwork Dilemmas – Anthropologists in Postsocialist States. Edited by Hermine G. De Soto and Nora Dudwick. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press. 2000. 250 p.)
In: East Central Europe 29(1-2):387-395.
Postsocialist Intimacies – A Meta-Anthropological Approach
(Book review: Fieldwork Dilemmas – Anthropologists in Postsocialist States. Edited by Hermine G. De Soto and Nora Dudwick. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press. 2000. 250 p.)
In: East Central Europe 29(1-2):387-395.
Takács J (2002)
Társadalom & Történet (recenzió a Társadalom és Történet könyvsorozat első 5 kötetéről).
In: BUKSZ 2002(4):334-341.
Társadalom & Történet (recenzió a Társadalom és Történet könyvsorozat első 5 kötetéről).
In: BUKSZ 2002(4):334-341.
Takács J (2002)
The New Family? (Book review: E.B. Silva, C. Smart (eds.) The New Family? London: SAGE p. 177)
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 28(5):468-469.
The New Family? (Book review: E.B. Silva, C. Smart (eds.) The New Family? London: SAGE p. 177)
In: Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 28(5):468-469.

Published Research Reports
Neményi M. – Laki I. – Ságvári B. – Takács J. – Tardos K. – Tibori T. (2011)
Az egyenlő bánásmóddal kapcsolatos jogtudatosság növekedésének mértéke: fókuszban a nők, a romák, a fogyatékos és az LMBT emberek.
Budapest: Egyenlő Bánásmód Hatóság – MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet (2011) p. 229.
Az egyenlő bánásmóddal kapcsolatos jogtudatosság növekedésének mértéke: fókuszban a nők, a romák, a fogyatékos és az LMBT emberek.
Budapest: Egyenlő Bánásmód Hatóság – MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet (2011) p. 229.
Iványi K. – Takács J. – Udvari M. (2009)
„Haszon-talan” Diszkrimináció helyett – A sokszínűség előnyei [Instead of discrimination – the advantages of diversity] Budapest: Másság Alapítvány (2009)
„Haszon-talan” Diszkrimináció helyett – A sokszínűség előnyei [Instead of discrimination – the advantages of diversity] Budapest: Másság Alapítvány (2009)
Takács J – Mocsonaki L – P.Tóth T (2008)
Social Exclusion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People in Hungary. Research Report – 2008, Budapest: Institute of Sociology, HAS – Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary.
Social Exclusion of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) People in Hungary. Research Report – 2008, Budapest: Institute of Sociology, HAS – Háttér Support Society for LGBT People in Hungary.
Takács J – Mocsonaki L – P.Tóth T (2007)
A leszbikus, meleg, biszexuális és transznemű (LMBT) emberek társadalmi kirekesztettsége Magyarországon. Kutatási zárójelentés. – 2007, Budapest: MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet. ISBN 978-963-88045-0-1 p.72.
A leszbikus, meleg, biszexuális és transznemű (LMBT) emberek társadalmi kirekesztettsége Magyarországon. Kutatási zárójelentés. – 2007, Budapest: MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet. ISBN 978-963-88045-0-1 p.72.
Solymár B – Takács J (2003)
Transzszexuálisok az egészségügyi-szociális ellátásban
In: Társadalmi befogadás 2003
(Összeállította: Hodosán Róza) Kapocs Könyvek, Szociálpolitikai és Munkaügyi Intézet, 2007, Budapest, pp.147-176.
Transzszexuálisok az egészségügyi-szociális ellátásban
In: Társadalmi befogadás 2003
(Összeállította: Hodosán Róza) Kapocs Könyvek, Szociálpolitikai és Munkaügyi Intézet, 2007, Budapest, pp.147-176.

Articles in Journals
Takács J – Csiszár G (2014)
Nemváltások és nemiszerep-áthágások reprezentációi Az Estben 1910 és 1939 között
In: Replika 85-86 (2014/1-2): 209-225.
Nemváltások és nemiszerep-áthágások reprezentációi Az Estben 1910 és 1939 között
In: Replika 85-86 (2014/1-2): 209-225.
Takács J – Szalma I (2014)
Gays in the Neighborhood? European Attitudes about Homosexuality a Quarter Century after the Fall of the Soviet Union.
In: Reviews & Critical Commentary (CritCom): A Forum for Research & Commentary on Europe, May 8:1-8.
Gays in the Neighborhood? European Attitudes about Homosexuality a Quarter Century after the Fall of the Soviet Union.
In: Reviews & Critical Commentary (CritCom): A Forum for Research & Commentary on Europe, May 8:1-8.
A szexuális kisebbségek jogairól ('On the Rights of Sexual Minorities')
In: FUNDAMENTUM – Az emberi jogok folyóirata, FÓRUM, 2008 (3-4):71-73
In: FUNDAMENTUM – Az emberi jogok folyóirata, FÓRUM, 2008 (3-4):71-73
Kertbeny Károly és a magánélet szabadsága
(‘Károly Kertbeny and the freedom of private life’)
In: HOLMI 2008/12. 20(12):1613-1626.
(‘Károly Kertbeny and the freedom of private life’)
In: HOLMI 2008/12. 20(12):1613-1626.
Magyar LMBT-tematikájú társadalomtudományos kutatási irányok
(’Social science research initiatives on Hungarian LGBT issues’)
In: Kultúra és Közösség – Művelődéselméleti folyóirat 2008/II. 12(2):50-56.
(’Social science research initiatives on Hungarian LGBT issues’)
In: Kultúra és Közösség – Művelődéselméleti folyóirat 2008/II. 12(2):50-56.
Sexual Minority Media in Three European Countries
In: Mediawatch Journal 16. March 2003, pp. 71-72.
In: Mediawatch Journal 16. March 2003, pp. 71-72.
Postsocialist Intimacies – A Meta-Anthropological Approach (Book review)
In: East Central Europe 2002. Vol.29, Part 1-2. pp. 387-395.
In: East Central Europe 2002. Vol.29, Part 1-2. pp. 387-395.
Társadalom & Történet (’Society & History’ – book review)
In: BUKSZ 2002.4. 334-341.o.
In: BUKSZ 2002.4. 334-341.o.
Az intézményesített diszkrimináció vége? (’End of Institutionalised Discrimination?’)
In: FUNDAMENTUM – Az emberi jogok folyóirata 2002/3-4. 95-103.o.
A homoszexualitás változó történeti kontextusai (’The Changing Historical Contexts of Homosexuality’)
In: Holmi 2001 June XIII.6. pp. 771-787.
In: Holmi 2001 June XIII.6. pp. 771-787.
Changing contexts and changing contents of homosexuality
In: The role of European psychologists in prevention and treatment of discrimination, racism and xenophobia – Special Issue of Science and Mind. Vol.IV.6. 2001 June ELTE Psychology Institute, Budapest. pp. 104-113.
In: The role of European psychologists in prevention and treatment of discrimination, racism and xenophobia – Special Issue of Science and Mind. Vol.IV.6. 2001 June ELTE Psychology Institute, Budapest. pp. 104-113.

Other Publications
Szexpartira nem lehet csak úgy besétálni (Czene Gábor interjúja Takács Judittal)
(You cannot walk into a sex-party just like that) [Interview with sociologist Judit Takács by Gábor Czene]
In: Népszava 2020.XII.14
(You cannot walk into a sex-party just like that) [Interview with sociologist Judit Takács by Gábor Czene]
In: Népszava 2020.XII.14
Takacs, Judit (2016)
Short Note on the Sexophobic State-Socialist Hobby-Horse of Western Researchers (letter)
Short Note on the Sexophobic State-Socialist Hobby-Horse of Western Researchers (letter)
Miért szégyen gyerektelennek lenni? – Takács Judit szociológus
[Why is it shameful to be childless? Interview with Judit Takács, sociologist] (Szandtner Veronika interjúja)
In: [on-line magazine 2016-02-15]
[Why is it shameful to be childless? Interview with Judit Takács, sociologist] (Szandtner Veronika interjúja)
In: [on-line magazine 2016-02-15]
Takács J (2015)
A láthatóvá vált apák (Increasingly visible fathers)
In: HVG Extra Pszichológia 2015/2. 16-19.
A láthatóvá vált apák (Increasingly visible fathers)
In: HVG Extra Pszichológia 2015/2. 16-19.
„Úgy teremt békét, hogy szétcincál” – Takács Judit szociológus
[Interview with Judit Takács, sociologist] (Bérczes Tibor interjúja)
In: Magyar Narancs XXI. évf. 47. szám (2009-11-19) pp. 28-29.
[Interview with Judit Takács, sociologist] (Bérczes Tibor interjúja)
In: Magyar Narancs XXI. évf. 47. szám (2009-11-19) pp. 28-29.
Neményi Mária – Takács Judit (2008)
Az apák családi szerepvállalása védőnői tapasztalatok tükrében. (Fathers’ participation in family tasks as reflected by experiences of district nurses)
In: Védőnő, 2008/3. 18.(3):31-36.
Az apák családi szerepvállalása védőnői tapasztalatok tükrében. (Fathers’ participation in family tasks as reflected by experiences of district nurses)
In: Védőnő, 2008/3. 18.(3):31-36.
A magánélet szabadságáról – Ami maradandó Kertbeny Károly munkásságából.
Csepeli György 60. születésnapjára; 2006. (The Freedom of Private Life – Károly Kertbeny. For the 60th birthday of György Csepeli; 2006)
Csepeli György 60. születésnapjára; 2006. (The Freedom of Private Life – Károly Kertbeny. For the 60th birthday of György Csepeli; 2006)
Neményi Mária – Takács Judit (2004)
Befogadás és idegenellenesség (‘Social inclusion and xenophobia’)
In: European Social Survey – Társadalmi REGISZTER 2002. Európai Társadalmak Összehasonlító Vizsgálata 2. kötet. Budapest: MTA Politikatudományok Intézete – MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet. pp. 57-70.
Befogadás és idegenellenesség (‘Social inclusion and xenophobia’)
In: European Social Survey – Társadalmi REGISZTER 2002. Európai Társadalmak Összehasonlító Vizsgálata 2. kötet. Budapest: MTA Politikatudományok Intézete – MTA Szociológiai Kutatóintézet. pp. 57-70.
"Thomas Szasz: Szertartásos kémia – Drogmitológiák
2001. Új Mandátum: Budapest (translator, text editor)
2001. Új Mandátum: Budapest (translator, text editor)

A felelősség és a szabadság szinonimák (Thomas Szasz pszichiáter)
In: Magyar Narancs 2001.06.28.
In: Magyar Narancs 2001.06.28.
Szexuálszociológiai konferencia Dubrovnikban (‘Sexual-sociological conference in Dubrovnik’)
In: Magyar Szexológiai Szemle. IV. évf. 2001/4. pp. 35-40.
In: Magyar Szexológiai Szemle. IV. évf. 2001/4. pp. 35-40.
Conceptualizing and Measuring Families and Family Policies in Europe
Cross-National Research Papers. Edited by Louise Appleton – Linda Hantrais.
European Research Centre: Leicestershire 2000 (contributor)
Azonos neműek házassága: A holland kapu
In: Magyar Narancs 2000.09.21.
In: Magyar Narancs 2000.09.21.

Conference Papers & Public Lectures
Takács J (2015)
Aktívan törődő apák Magyarországon. A bizonytalanság szociológiája MSzT konferencia, ELTE – Budapest 2015. november 20.
Aktívan törődő apák Magyarországon. A bizonytalanság szociológiája MSzT konferencia, ELTE – Budapest 2015. november 20.
Szalma I – Takács J (2015)
Az apasággal kapcsolatos attitűdök Európában. A bizonytalanság szociológiája MSzT konferencia, ELTE – Budapest 2015. november 20.
Az apasággal kapcsolatos attitűdök Európában. A bizonytalanság szociológiája MSzT konferencia, ELTE – Budapest 2015. november 20.
Faludi C – Takács J (2015)
“Narratives of childlessness: methodological issues of a comparative qualitative research”, paper presented at The International Colloquium of Social Sciences and Communication ACUM 2015 and the National Conference of the Romanian Sociologists’ Society, 19-21 November 2015, Braşov, Romania.
“Narratives of childlessness: methodological issues of a comparative qualitative research”, paper presented at The International Colloquium of Social Sciences and Communication ACUM 2015 and the National Conference of the Romanian Sociologists’ Society, 19-21 November 2015, Braşov, Romania.
Takács J – Kuhar R – PTóth T (2015)
Criminalization of homosexuality under state socialism. Evidence from court cases in Slovenia and Hungary. Sex and Sexuality in East-Central Europe, Past and Present – An Interdisciplinary Conference at the Central European University, Budapest, 16-17 October 2015
Criminalization of homosexuality under state socialism. Evidence from court cases in Slovenia and Hungary. Sex and Sexuality in East-Central Europe, Past and Present – An Interdisciplinary Conference at the Central European University, Budapest, 16-17 October 2015
Takács J (2015)
Homophobia and Genderphobia in Europe; Plenary speech at the Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives to Social and Economic Problems of LGBT Individuals Conference organised by Bogazici University Social Policy Forum, Istanbul, 10 October 2015
Homophobia and Genderphobia in Europe; Plenary speech at the Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives to Social and Economic Problems of LGBT Individuals Conference organised by Bogazici University Social Policy Forum, Istanbul, 10 October 2015
Takács J (2015)
A homoszexuális prostitúció nyomai az államszocialista Magyarországon. Prostitúció a szocializmusban konferencia. NKE MTKK, Budapest, 2015. október 2.
A homoszexuális prostitúció nyomai az államszocialista Magyarországon. Prostitúció a szocializmusban konferencia. NKE MTKK, Budapest, 2015. október 2.
Neményi M – Takács J (2015)
Practices and perceptions of discrimination in the Hungarian adoption system, “Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination” ESA 12th Conference, Prague, 25–28 August 2015
Practices and perceptions of discrimination in the Hungarian adoption system, “Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination” ESA 12th Conference, Prague, 25–28 August 2015
Takács J – Szalma I (2015)
How to “measure” fathering practices and perceptions in international surveys? “Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination” ESA 12th Conference, Prague, 25–28 August 2015
How to “measure” fathering practices and perceptions in international surveys? “Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination” ESA 12th Conference, Prague, 25–28 August 2015
P.Tóth T – Takács J – Kuhar R. (2015)
Perversion against Nature Cases under State Socialism, “Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination” ESA 12th Conference, Prague, 25-28 August 2015
Perversion against Nature Cases under State Socialism, “Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination” ESA 12th Conference, Prague, 25-28 August 2015
Takács J (2015)
Hungarian experts’ views on childlessness. Childlessness, Infertility, Assisted Reproductive Technology Workshop, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, June 22-23, 2015.
Hungarian experts’ views on childlessness. Childlessness, Infertility, Assisted Reproductive Technology Workshop, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, June 22-23, 2015.
Kuhar, R. – Takács J (2015)
Transgender Healthcare in Post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe – 2015, ECPG Conference, University of Uppsala, 11-13 June 2015.
Transgender Healthcare in Post-socialist Central and Eastern Europe – 2015, ECPG Conference, University of Uppsala, 11-13 June 2015.
Kuhar, R. – Takács J – PTóth, T (2015)
Unnatural Fornication Cases under State Socialism: A Hungarian – Slovenian Comparative Social-Historical Approach – 2015, ECPG Conference, University of Uppsala, 11-13 June 2015.
Unnatural Fornication Cases under State Socialism: A Hungarian – Slovenian Comparative Social-Historical Approach – 2015, ECPG Conference, University of Uppsala, 11-13 June 2015.
Szalma I – Takács J (2015)
Fathers’ family involvement in four European countries. Presentation at the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association, Lausanne University, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3-5 June 2015
Fathers’ family involvement in four European countries. Presentation at the Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association, Lausanne University, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3-5 June 2015
Takács J – Szalma I (2015)
European attitudes about homosexuality a quarter century after the transition. European Social Survey Conference, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 28-29 May 2015
European attitudes about homosexuality a quarter century after the transition. European Social Survey Conference, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, 28-29 May 2015
Takács J – Szalma I (2015)
European fathers’ involvement in the family sphere in an international comparison. European Social Survey Conference, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, May 28-29, 2015
European fathers’ involvement in the family sphere in an international comparison. European Social Survey Conference, Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, May 28-29, 2015
Neményi M; Takács J (2015)
Alternatív család(re)konstrukció: Az örökbefogadással keletkező család. Fókuszban a család – konferencia, Pécs 2015. május 14-15.
Alternatív család(re)konstrukció: Az örökbefogadással keletkező család. Fókuszban a család – konferencia, Pécs 2015. május 14-15.
Takács J (2015)
Homosexual Listings in the 20th Century Hungary. Public lecture – UvA, Centre for Gender and Sexuality, Amsterdam, April 24th 2015.
Homosexual Listings in the 20th Century Hungary. Public lecture – UvA, Centre for Gender and Sexuality, Amsterdam, April 24th 2015.
Takács J (2015)
Tracing homosexuality in Hungary during WW II – Gay and Lesbian lives in Europe during the Second World War (history, memory, remembrance). 2015. március 27. Laboratoire d’Excellence “Ecrire une histoire nouvelle de l’Europe” (Paris – Sorbonne) & the Council of Europe, Paris.
Tracing homosexuality in Hungary during WW II – Gay and Lesbian lives in Europe during the Second World War (history, memory, remembrance). 2015. március 27. Laboratoire d’Excellence “Ecrire une histoire nouvelle de l’Europe” (Paris – Sorbonne) & the Council of Europe, Paris.
Takács J (2015)
Homosexuality in the ‘Eastern bloc’ – Multiple Others
Workshop on the History and Politics of (Post-)Yugoslav LGBT Activism. Central European University, Budapest. March 26-28 2015
Homosexuality in the ‘Eastern bloc’ – Multiple Others
Workshop on the History and Politics of (Post-)Yugoslav LGBT Activism. Central European University, Budapest. March 26-28 2015
Takács J (2015)
Homophobia in present-day Europe. Diversity Enriches – Academic Seminar on LGBT Rights. Tallinn University of Technology. March 24 2015
Homophobia in present-day Europe. Diversity Enriches – Academic Seminar on LGBT Rights. Tallinn University of Technology. March 24 2015
Takács J – Szalma I (2015)
Fathers’ role in care – Care chain: care regimes, migration and gender equality in an enlarged Europe
Workshop. Center for Policy Studies, CEU. January 26 2015
Fathers’ role in care – Care chain: care regimes, migration and gender equality in an enlarged Europe
Workshop. Center for Policy Studies, CEU. January 26 2015
Takács J – Neményi M (2014)
Az örökbefogadás során elszenvedett diszkrimináció percepciója, hatása és az arra adott cselekvések. Halmozott diszkrimináció és interszekcionalitás konferencia, 2014. december 16. MTA TK Szociológiai Intézet
Az örökbefogadás során elszenvedett diszkrimináció percepciója, hatása és az arra adott cselekvések. Halmozott diszkrimináció és interszekcionalitás konferencia, 2014. december 16. MTA TK Szociológiai Intézet
Neményi M – Takács J (2014)
Az örökbefogadás intézményrendszere és a diszkrimináció. Halmozott diszkrimináció és interszekcionalitás konferencia, 2014. december 16. MTA TK Szociológiai Intézet
Az örökbefogadás intézményrendszere és a diszkrimináció. Halmozott diszkrimináció és interszekcionalitás konferencia, 2014. december 16. MTA TK Szociológiai Intézet
Neményi M – Takács J (2014)
Discrimination Practices and Perceptions in the Hungarian Adoption System. Presentation at the “Nationhood in the Carpathian Region” Joint Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association and the Department of Sociology and Social Work in Hungarian of Babeş-Bolyai University, November 27-29, 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Discrimination Practices and Perceptions in the Hungarian Adoption System. Presentation at the “Nationhood in the Carpathian Region” Joint Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association and the Department of Sociology and Social Work in Hungarian of Babeş-Bolyai University, November 27-29, 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Szalma I – Takács J (2014)
Factors Influencing Unrealized Fertility Plans and Childlessness in Hungary. Presentation at the “Nationhood in the Carpathian Region” Joint Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association and the Department of Sociology and Social Work in Hungarian of Babeş-Bolyai University, November 27-29, 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Factors Influencing Unrealized Fertility Plans and Childlessness in Hungary. Presentation at the “Nationhood in the Carpathian Region” Joint Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association and the Department of Sociology and Social Work in Hungarian of Babeş-Bolyai University, November 27-29, 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Takács J – Szalma I (2014)
Engaged Fatherhood Practices and Perceptions in Hungary. Presentation at the “Nationhood in the Carpathian Region” Joint Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association and the Department of Sociology and Social Work in Hungarian of Babeş-Bolyai University, November 27-29, 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Engaged Fatherhood Practices and Perceptions in Hungary. Presentation at the “Nationhood in the Carpathian Region” Joint Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association and the Department of Sociology and Social Work in Hungarian of Babeş-Bolyai University, November 27-29, 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Takács J – Szalma I (2014)
Social Knowledge Construction on Childlessness in Hungary. Presentation at the “Nationhood in the Carpathian Region” Joint Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association and the Department of Sociology and Social Work in Hungarian of Babeş-Bolyai University, November 27-29, 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Social Knowledge Construction on Childlessness in Hungary. Presentation at the “Nationhood in the Carpathian Region” Joint Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association and the Department of Sociology and Social Work in Hungarian of Babeş-Bolyai University, November 27-29, 2014, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Takács J (2014)
Engaged Fatherhood in Hungary. Public lecture at the German Youth Institute, Munich, 4 November (2014)
Engaged Fatherhood in Hungary. Public lecture at the German Youth Institute, Munich, 4 November (2014)
Takács J (2014)
Transgender Citizenship and recognition in Eastern Europe. Transgender and Political Science in Europe: a comparative approach.
ESF Exploratory Workshop, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, September 17-19. (2014)
Transgender Citizenship and recognition in Eastern Europe. Transgender and Political Science in Europe: a comparative approach.
ESF Exploratory Workshop, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, September 17-19. (2014)
Kurimay A. – Takács J (2014)
Homosexual Activism and the State in Late State-Socialist Hungary. ECPR Conference, University of Glasgow, UK, September 3-6. (2014)
Homosexual Activism and the State in Late State-Socialist Hungary. ECPR Conference, University of Glasgow, UK, September 3-6. (2014)
Takács J – Szalma I. (2014)
European Attitudes on Same-sex Adoption IASR Conference, Dubrovnik, June 25-28. (2014)
European Attitudes on Same-sex Adoption IASR Conference, Dubrovnik, June 25-28. (2014)
Takács J – Szalma I. (2014)
European Attitudes towards Parenting Practices of Gay and Lesbian Couples. European Population Conference, Budapest, June 25-28. (2014)
European Attitudes towards Parenting Practices of Gay and Lesbian Couples. European Population Conference, Budapest, June 25-28. (2014)
Szalma I – Takács J (2014)
Childlessness in Life Course Perspective. European Population Conference, Budapest, June 25-28. (2014)
Childlessness in Life Course Perspective. European Population Conference, Budapest, June 25-28. (2014)
Takács J – Szalma I. (2014)
Attitudes toward Adoption by Same-sex Couples in Europe. Revisioning Gender. Complex Inequalities and Global Dimensions. Stockholm University, 13-14 June 2014.
Attitudes toward Adoption by Same-sex Couples in Europe. Revisioning Gender. Complex Inequalities and Global Dimensions. Stockholm University, 13-14 June 2014.
Kurimay A. – Takács J (2014)
Finding Sex: desire, disease, and the emergence of the Hungarian homosexual movement in late socialism. Dropping out of Socialism Conference: A conference about the hidden side of life in the former Soviet bloc. University of Bristol, UK, 5-6 June 2014.
Finding Sex: desire, disease, and the emergence of the Hungarian homosexual movement in late socialism. Dropping out of Socialism Conference: A conference about the hidden side of life in the former Soviet bloc. University of Bristol, UK, 5-6 June 2014.
Takács J (2014)
Hungarian Media Representations of Gender-Role Transgressions between 1910 and 1939; 8th International Spring School in Sex Research. Groznjan, Croatia, 23-25 May 2014.
Hungarian Media Representations of Gender-Role Transgressions between 1910 and 1939; 8th International Spring School in Sex Research. Groznjan, Croatia, 23-25 May 2014.
Diniz-Pereira J – Halász G – McLaren, P – Salamon E – Smyth G – Soponyai D – Takács J (2014)
Diversity, democracy, justice: visions of change. What can teachers do? Round table discussion. ATEE Winter Conference, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, 14-17 April 2014.
Diversity, democracy, justice: visions of change. What can teachers do? Round table discussion. ATEE Winter Conference, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, 14-17 April 2014.
Takács J (2013)
Defining Men and Masculinities in the Context of HIV/AIDS
CEU Comparative Masculinities Workshop, Budapest, 3 December 2013.
Defining Men and Masculinities in the Context of HIV/AIDS
CEU Comparative Masculinities Workshop, Budapest, 3 December 2013.
Takács J (2013)
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment in Trans and Other Distinct Populations 14th European AIDS Conference of EACS, Brussels, 16-19 October 2013.
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment in Trans and Other Distinct Populations 14th European AIDS Conference of EACS, Brussels, 16-19 October 2013.
Takács J – Szalma I (2013)
Views on the functioning of the police in Europe and in Hungary
EUROCRIM – 13th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (ESC), Budapest, 4-7 September 2013
Views on the functioning of the police in Europe and in Hungary
EUROCRIM – 13th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (ESC), Budapest, 4-7 September 2013
Takács J – Csiszár G (2013)
Homoszexualitás- és nemiszerepáthágás-reprezentációk Az Estben (1910-1930)
A test a társadalomban. A Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület 2013. évi konferenciája, Sümeg, 2013. augusztus 22-24.
Homoszexualitás- és nemiszerepáthágás-reprezentációk Az Estben (1910-1930)
A test a társadalomban. A Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület 2013. évi konferenciája, Sümeg, 2013. augusztus 22-24.
Takács J – Szalma I (2013)
European Attitudes on Same-Sex Adoption
Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)Stability. 20th International Conference of Europeanists. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 25-27 June 2013.
European Attitudes on Same-Sex Adoption
Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)Stability. 20th International Conference of Europeanists. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 25-27 June 2013.
Szalma I – Takács J (2013)
Should Men Have More Rights? Gender Related Attitudes before and during the 2008 Crisis
Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)Stability. 20th International Conference of Europeanists. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 25-27 June 2013.
Should Men Have More Rights? Gender Related Attitudes before and during the 2008 Crisis
Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)Stability. 20th International Conference of Europeanists. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 25-27 June 2013.
Takács J (2013)
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the World of Work
Imagining new employment relations and new solidarities. 10th European Conference of the International Labour and Employment Association (ILERA) University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 20-22 June 2013.
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the World of Work
Imagining new employment relations and new solidarities. 10th European Conference of the International Labour and Employment Association (ILERA) University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 20-22 June 2013.
Takács J – Szalma I (2013)
Social Acceptance of Lesbian Women and Gay Men in Europe between 2002-2010. European Social Survey Conference: Trans-national evidence University College Dublin, Dublin, 10-11 June 2013.
Social Acceptance of Lesbian Women and Gay Men in Europe between 2002-2010. European Social Survey Conference: Trans-national evidence University College Dublin, Dublin, 10-11 June 2013.
Fuszara, M – Graff A – Mayer S – Takacs J – Klinger, C (2013)
Feminism in Western and Central Eastern Europe – Panel discussion IWM Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Bécs (8 April 2013)
Feminism in Western and Central Eastern Europe – Panel discussion IWM Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Bécs (8 April 2013)
Takács J – Szalma I (2013)
Tabooing Same-Sex Parenting in Central Eastern Europe
3rd European Conference on Gender and Politics – organised by the ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics; Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain (2013. március 21-23.)
Tabooing Same-Sex Parenting in Central Eastern Europe
3rd European Conference on Gender and Politics – organised by the ECPR Standing Group on Gender and Politics; Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain (2013. március 21-23.)
Takács J (2013)
LGBT Youth at School Breaking the Walls of Silence: Addressing Homophobia and Transphobia in Education – International Conference organised by Legebitra, LGBT Youth Scotland, KPH; Ljubljana, Slovenia (2013. február 18-21.)
LGBT Youth at School Breaking the Walls of Silence: Addressing Homophobia and Transphobia in Education – International Conference organised by Legebitra, LGBT Youth Scotland, KPH; Ljubljana, Slovenia (2013. február 18-21.)
Takács J – Szalma I (2012)
Main determinants of homophobic attitudes in Europe
Cross-National Evidence from European Social Survey: Exploring Public Attitudes, Informing Public Policy in Europe – International Conference on European Social Survey, Cyprus (2012.23-25 November 2012)
Main determinants of homophobic attitudes in Europe
Cross-National Evidence from European Social Survey: Exploring Public Attitudes, Informing Public Policy in Europe – International Conference on European Social Survey, Cyprus (2012.23-25 November 2012)
Szalma I – Takács J (2012)
Main Determinants of Childlessness among Hungarian Women
Progresszió – Regresszió MSzT konferencia – Budapest, Közép-Európai Egyetem (9-10 November 2012)
Main Determinants of Childlessness among Hungarian Women
Progresszió – Regresszió MSzT konferencia – Budapest, Közép-Európai Egyetem (9-10 November 2012)
Takács J – Béres-Deák R – Borgos A – Kuhar R – Rózsa K
LGBT Families: (Dis)Continuity of Tradition? (Panel Discussion/Panelvita)
Progresszió – Regresszió MSzT konferencia – Budapest, Közép-Európai Egyetem (9-10 November 2012)
LGBT Families: (Dis)Continuity of Tradition? (Panel Discussion/Panelvita)
Progresszió – Regresszió MSzT konferencia – Budapest, Közép-Európai Egyetem (9-10 November 2012)
Takács J – Szalma I (2012)
Attitudes towards Adoption by Same-Sex Couples in Hungary and Europe
International Conference "European Sociology: New Challenges and Opportunities" – organised by the Romanian Sociological Association – Oradea, Romania (27-29 September 2012)
Attitudes towards Adoption by Same-Sex Couples in Hungary and Europe
International Conference "European Sociology: New Challenges and Opportunities" – organised by the Romanian Sociological Association – Oradea, Romania (27-29 September 2012)
Szalma I – Takács J (2012)
The Effect of Education Level on Childlessness among Hungarian Women (poster)
European Population Conference – Stockholm (June 13-16 2012)
The Effect of Education Level on Childlessness among Hungarian Women (poster)
European Population Conference – Stockholm (June 13-16 2012)
Kuhar R – Takács J (2012)
Doing Families. Gay and Lesbian Family Practices – Book presentation
8th European Feminist Research Conference, Half an hour for a book, CEU – Budapest (2012. May 18.)
Doing Families. Gay and Lesbian Family Practices – Book presentation
8th European Feminist Research Conference, Half an hour for a book, CEU – Budapest (2012. May 18.)
Beteljesít(het)etlen vágyak? – A kívánt termékenység meghatározói a 21. század eleji Magyarországon (Unattainable desires? Desired fertility in early 21st century Hungary)
Családok dinamikája és gazdasági bizonytalanság / Család és a nemi szerepek MSZT Családszociológiai Szakosztályának konferenciája – Budapest (6 April 2012).
Családok dinamikája és gazdasági bizonytalanság / Család és a nemi szerepek MSZT Családszociológiai Szakosztályának konferenciája – Budapest (6 April 2012).
Being Listed? Controlling Gay Life since the 1920s in Budapest
19th International Conference of Europeanists organised by the Council for European Studies at Columbia University – Boston, Massachusetts, (2012. March 22-24.)
19th International Conference of Europeanists organised by the Council for European Studies at Columbia University – Boston, Massachusetts, (2012. March 22-24.)
Homophobia in Europe
Public lecture at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont – 20 March 2012.
Public lecture at Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont – 20 March 2012.
Homophobia and Social Acceptance of Lesbian Women and Gay Men in Europe
Public lecture at UQAM, Montreal – 14 March 2012.
Public lecture at UQAM, Montreal – 14 March 2012.
Homofób társadalom? (Homophobic society?)
Párhuzamok keresése: drogfogyasztók és homoszexuálisok társadalmi kirekesztettsége Magyarországon (Looking for parallels: social exclusion of drug users and homosexuals in Hungary) workshop, Kutatás és gyakorlat az addiktológiában (Research and practice on addictions), a Magyar Addiktológiai Társaság VIII. Országos Kongresszusa (8th national congress of the Hungarian Association on Addictions) – Siófok, Hungary (24-26 November 2011).
Párhuzamok keresése: drogfogyasztók és homoszexuálisok társadalmi kirekesztettsége Magyarországon (Looking for parallels: social exclusion of drug users and homosexuals in Hungary) workshop, Kutatás és gyakorlat az addiktológiában (Research and practice on addictions), a Magyar Addiktológiai Társaság VIII. Országos Kongresszusa (8th national congress of the Hungarian Association on Addictions) – Siófok, Hungary (24-26 November 2011).
Szalma Ivett – Szél Bernadett – Takács Judit (2011)
Társadalmi szerepekkel kapcsolatos attitűdök a válság előtt és után (Gender norm attitudes before and after the crisis)
Kollektív traumák, határhelyzetek, természeti és társadalmi katasztrófák – Annual conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association, Miskolc, Hungary (11-13 November 2011).
Társadalmi szerepekkel kapcsolatos attitűdök a válság előtt és után (Gender norm attitudes before and after the crisis)
Kollektív traumák, határhelyzetek, természeti és társadalmi katasztrófák – Annual conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association, Miskolc, Hungary (11-13 November 2011).
Takács J (2011)
The Social Situation of Trans People in Hungary
Transsexualism i Sverige och Europa (Transsexualism in Sweden and Europe), 9:e Nationella Konferensen - SFTH (Svensk förening för transsexuell hälsa - Swedish Association for Transsexual Health); Budapest (10 November 2011).
The Social Situation of Trans People in Hungary
Transsexualism i Sverige och Europa (Transsexualism in Sweden and Europe), 9:e Nationella Konferensen - SFTH (Svensk förening för transsexuell hälsa - Swedish Association for Transsexual Health); Budapest (10 November 2011).
Takács J (2011)
Homophobia in Europe
Human Rights and “Traditional Values”: Clash or Dialogue? - 15th Annual Conference of ILGA-Europe, Torino (27-30 October 2011).
Homophobia in Europe
Human Rights and “Traditional Values”: Clash or Dialogue? - 15th Annual Conference of ILGA-Europe, Torino (27-30 October 2011).
Takács J – Dombos T – Mészáros Gy – P.Tóth T (2011)
Homophobia and the Heteronorm in Hungary
Confronting Homophobia in Europe – International Conference organised by the Sociology Department of the University of Padova, Padova (8 October 2011).
Homophobia and the Heteronorm in Hungary
Confronting Homophobia in Europe – International Conference organised by the Sociology Department of the University of Padova, Padova (8 October 2011).
Takács J (2011)
Unattainable desires? Childbearing capabilities in early 21st century Hungary
The impact of day care provision for children under 4 in Visegrad countries – Workshop organised by the Budapest Institute and the Institute of Sociology, HAS (20-21 September 2011).
Unattainable desires? Childbearing capabilities in early 21st century Hungary
The impact of day care provision for children under 4 in Visegrad countries – Workshop organised by the Budapest Institute and the Institute of Sociology, HAS (20-21 September 2011).
Takács J – Szalma I (2011)
Same-sex partnership legislation and homophobia in Europe
6th European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik (24-27 August 2011).
Same-sex partnership legislation and homophobia in Europe
6th European Consortium for Political Research General Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik (24-27 August 2011).
Takács J – Szalma I (2011)
Social acceptance of Lesbian Women and Gay Men in Europe and in Hungary
Naming and Framing: The Making of Sexual (In)Equality.
8th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (6-9 July 2011).
Social acceptance of Lesbian Women and Gay Men in Europe and in Hungary
Naming and Framing: The Making of Sexual (In)Equality.
8th Conference of the International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture and Society (IASSCS), Universidad Complutense de Madrid (6-9 July 2011).
Takács J – Szalma I (2011)
Homophobia and Same-Sex Partnership Legislation in 26 European Societies
LGBT/Queer Studies: Toward Trans/national Scholarly and Activist Kinships Conference – Syracuse University, Madrid (3-5 July 2011).
Homophobia and Same-Sex Partnership Legislation in 26 European Societies
LGBT/Queer Studies: Toward Trans/national Scholarly and Activist Kinships Conference – Syracuse University, Madrid (3-5 July 2011).
J Plantenga – C Remery – J Takács (2011)
Supporting parenthood. Public support to young families in the European Union
Work and Welfare in Europe: New compromises or ongoing demise? RECWOWE Final Conference, Brussels (15-17 June 2011).
Supporting parenthood. Public support to young families in the European Union
Work and Welfare in Europe: New compromises or ongoing demise? RECWOWE Final Conference, Brussels (15-17 June 2011).
Takács J (2011)
Early 21st century determinants of desired fertility in Hungary
Work and Welfare in Europe: New compromises or ongoing demise? RECWOWE Final Conference, Brussels (15-17 June 2011).
Early 21st century determinants of desired fertility in Hungary
Work and Welfare in Europe: New compromises or ongoing demise? RECWOWE Final Conference, Brussels (15-17 June 2011).
Szalma I – Szél B – Takács J (2011)
Have traditional gender roles attitudes changed after the crisis?
Crisis and Renewal. Welfare States, Democracy and Equality in Hard Times – University of Iceland, Reykjavik (2-3 June 2011).
Have traditional gender roles attitudes changed after the crisis?
Crisis and Renewal. Welfare States, Democracy and Equality in Hard Times – University of Iceland, Reykjavik (2-3 June 2011).
Takács J – Szalma I (2011)
Social acceptance of lesbian women and gay men in Europe
5th International Spring School in Sex Research – Groznjan, Croatia (27-29 May 2011).
Social acceptance of lesbian women and gay men in Europe
5th International Spring School in Sex Research – Groznjan, Croatia (27-29 May 2011).
Takács J – Szalma I (2011)
A meleg férfiak és a leszbikus nők társadalmi elfogadottsága (Social acceptance of gay men and lesbian women in Europe)
A homofóbia és a transzfóbia elleni küzdelem lehetőségei a mai Magyarországon MTA SzKI Műhelykonferencia - Budapest (17 May 2011).
A meleg férfiak és a leszbikus nők társadalmi elfogadottsága (Social acceptance of gay men and lesbian women in Europe)
A homofóbia és a transzfóbia elleni küzdelem lehetőségei a mai Magyarországon MTA SzKI Műhelykonferencia - Budapest (17 May 2011).
Takács J (2011)
Should gays and lesbians be free to live as gays and lesbians? Social Acceptance and homophobia in Europe
Homophobia in schools in Eastern Europe conference – University of Ljubljana (6-7 May 2011).
Should gays and lesbians be free to live as gays and lesbians? Social Acceptance and homophobia in Europe
Homophobia in schools in Eastern Europe conference – University of Ljubljana (6-7 May 2011).
Takács J – Szalma I (2010)
Homofóbia több dimenzióban - ESS 2009 eredmények (Homophobia in Hungary and Europe. ESS 2009 Results - A multi-dimensional approach)
Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association - Budapest (2010 November 7.)
Homofóbia több dimenzióban - ESS 2009 eredmények (Homophobia in Hungary and Europe. ESS 2009 Results - A multi-dimensional approach)
Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association - Budapest (2010 November 7.)
Takács J (2010)
Beteljesíthetetlen vágyak? A kívánt termékenység meghatározói a 21. század eleji Magyarországon Egy RECWOWE alprojekt
(Unattainable desires? Early 21st century determinants of desired fertility in Hungary - a RECWOWE project)
Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association - Budapest (5 November 2010).
Beteljesíthetetlen vágyak? A kívánt termékenység meghatározói a 21. század eleji Magyarországon Egy RECWOWE alprojekt
(Unattainable desires? Early 21st century determinants of desired fertility in Hungary - a RECWOWE project)
Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association - Budapest (5 November 2010).
Hobson B – Takács J – Fahlén S (2010)
Tensions in Aspirations, Agency and Capabilities to Achieve a Work Family Balance. Two cases: Sweden and Hungary
"Tensions at the Interface of Work and Well-Being in Europe" RECWOWE Conference organised by the Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, Sweden (5 February 2010).
Tensions in Aspirations, Agency and Capabilities to Achieve a Work Family Balance. Two cases: Sweden and Hungary
"Tensions at the Interface of Work and Well-Being in Europe" RECWOWE Conference organised by the Institute for Futures Studies, Stockholm, Sweden (5 February 2010).
Takács J (2009)
A sokszínűség előnyei a munkahelyen (Advantages of diversity at the workplace)
„Középkorú férfiak esélytelenül? Egy diszkriminációkutatás különös tapasztalatai” (Middle-aged men with no chances on the labour market? Findings of a discrimination testing research project) Conference organised by the Másság Alapítvány, Budapest (28 October 2009).
A sokszínűség előnyei a munkahelyen (Advantages of diversity at the workplace)
„Középkorú férfiak esélytelenül? Egy diszkriminációkutatás különös tapasztalatai” (Middle-aged men with no chances on the labour market? Findings of a discrimination testing research project) Conference organised by the Másság Alapítvány, Budapest (28 October 2009).
Takács J (2009)
Straight but not necessarily narrow… – Hungarian fathers’ views on same-sex couples having children
“LGBT-Families: The New Minority?” Conference organised by the Peace Institute, Legebitra, ILGA-Europe and IS-HAS, Ljubljana, Slovenia (16-17 October 2009).
Straight but not necessarily narrow… – Hungarian fathers’ views on same-sex couples having children
“LGBT-Families: The New Minority?” Conference organised by the Peace Institute, Legebitra, ILGA-Europe and IS-HAS, Ljubljana, Slovenia (16-17 October 2009).
Takács J (2009)
Research on Sex/uality in Hungary
“Beyond the Mainstream: Understanding Sexuality in Europe” ESF Exploratory Workshop, Turin (1-3 October 2009)
Research on Sex/uality in Hungary
“Beyond the Mainstream: Understanding Sexuality in Europe” ESF Exploratory Workshop, Turin (1-3 October 2009)
Takács J (2009)
Early 21st century determinants of desired fertility in Hungary
3rd Annual RECWOWE Integration Week, Utrecht, the Netherlands (9-13 June 2009)
Early 21st century determinants of desired fertility in Hungary
3rd Annual RECWOWE Integration Week, Utrecht, the Netherlands (9-13 June 2009)
Takács J – Hobson B (2009)
Capabilities and Agency for a Work Family Balance: Applying the Pilot Survey in Hungary and Sweden
3rd Annual RECWOWE Integration Week, Utrecht, the Netherlands (9-13 June 2009)
Capabilities and Agency for a Work Family Balance: Applying the Pilot Survey in Hungary and Sweden
3rd Annual RECWOWE Integration Week, Utrecht, the Netherlands (9-13 June 2009)
Takács J (2009)
Homoszexualitás és a heteroszexuális társadalom a 19. század második felétől napjainkig (Homosexuality and heterosexual society since the second half of the 19th century)
Nők és férfiak. A társadalmi egyenlőtlenség történetéből (Women and men. History of social inequality) – Rubicon Course for History Teachers (2009 April 18.)
Homoszexualitás és a heteroszexuális társadalom a 19. század második felétől napjainkig (Homosexuality and heterosexual society since the second half of the 19th century)
Nők és férfiak. A társadalmi egyenlőtlenség történetéből (Women and men. History of social inequality) – Rubicon Course for History Teachers (2009 April 18.)
Takács J (2009)
Social exclusion of young LGBT people in Hungary
“Youth and social change across borders: emerging identities and divisions in Eastern and Western Europe” Conference, St Anthony’s College, University of Oxford, UK – 2009 March 27-28.
Social exclusion of young LGBT people in Hungary
“Youth and social change across borders: emerging identities and divisions in Eastern and Western Europe” Conference, St Anthony’s College, University of Oxford, UK – 2009 March 27-28.
Takács J (2009)
Work-family balance in Budapest
“Policy Innovations at National and Company Level that Promote Work-Family Balance” RECWOWE Public Seminar, Ljubljana, Slovenia – 2009 February 13.
Work-family balance in Budapest
“Policy Innovations at National and Company Level that Promote Work-Family Balance” RECWOWE Public Seminar, Ljubljana, Slovenia – 2009 February 13.
Takács J (2009)
Férfiak és nők otthoni munkamegosztása európai összehasonlításban (Sharing of domestic work between men and women – a European comparison)
“Határtalan viszonyok: nők és férfiak. A társadalmi nem kutatásának legújabb eredményei Magyarországon” (Unlimited relations: women and men. Most recent results of Hungarian gender research) conference organised by the Research Institute of Ethnic and National Minorities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest – 29 January 2009.
Férfiak és nők otthoni munkamegosztása európai összehasonlításban (Sharing of domestic work between men and women – a European comparison)
“Határtalan viszonyok: nők és férfiak. A társadalmi nem kutatásának legújabb eredményei Magyarországon” (Unlimited relations: women and men. Most recent results of Hungarian gender research) conference organised by the Research Institute of Ethnic and National Minorities of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest – 29 January 2009.
Participant in the “Global Consultation on MSM and HIV/AIDS Research” – organised by amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, Washington, DC – 28-29 September 2008.
Takács J (2008)
Changing masculinities in Hungary
“East-West Passages 2008” Conference, “Challenging Sexual Differences: Feminism, Masculinities, Equal Opportunities” section, Pécs – 19 September 2008.
Changing masculinities in Hungary
“East-West Passages 2008” Conference, “Challenging Sexual Differences: Feminism, Masculinities, Equal Opportunities” section, Pécs – 19 September 2008.
Takács J (2007)
A heteronormativitás mint erőszak (Heteronormativity as violence)
“Kultusz, kultúra, erőszak” [Cult, culture, violence] conference at the Petőfi Literary Museum – 14 December 2007.
A heteronormativitás mint erőszak (Heteronormativity as violence)
“Kultusz, kultúra, erőszak” [Cult, culture, violence] conference at the Petőfi Literary Museum – 14 December 2007.
Takács J (2007)
Az LMBT-emberek társadalmi kirekesztettsége Magyarországon (Social Exclusion of LGBT People in Hungary)
“2007 – Egyenlő Esélyek Mindenki Számára Európai Év” Hungarian closing conference of the EYEO, 15 November 2007. CEU Conference Centre, Budapest.
Az LMBT-emberek társadalmi kirekesztettsége Magyarországon (Social Exclusion of LGBT People in Hungary)
“2007 – Egyenlő Esélyek Mindenki Számára Európai Év” Hungarian closing conference of the EYEO, 15 November 2007. CEU Conference Centre, Budapest.
Takács J (2007)
Social Exclusion of LGBT People “Equal Opportunities for All” Research Seminar, 7-9 November 2007. European Youth Centre, Budapest.
Social Exclusion of LGBT People “Equal Opportunities for All” Research Seminar, 7-9 November 2007. European Youth Centre, Budapest.
Takács J (2007)
Előítélet és megkülönböztetés az iskolában: Leszbikus, meleg, biszexuális és transznemű (LMBT) fiatalok iskolai tapasztalatai Európában (Prejudice and discrimination at school – experiences of young LGBT people in Europe)
“Előítéletek” (Prejudices) conference, Educational Sociology Department, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 11 October 2007, Budapest.
Előítélet és megkülönböztetés az iskolában: Leszbikus, meleg, biszexuális és transznemű (LMBT) fiatalok iskolai tapasztalatai Európában (Prejudice and discrimination at school – experiences of young LGBT people in Europe)
“Előítéletek” (Prejudices) conference, Educational Sociology Department, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 11 October 2007, Budapest.
Takács J (2007)
Breaking the Silence: Education and Awareness Raising
“Sexual Diversity. European Community” congress organised by the Flemish Ministry of Equal Opportunities. 12-14 September 2007, Ghent, Belgium.
Breaking the Silence: Education and Awareness Raising
“Sexual Diversity. European Community” congress organised by the Flemish Ministry of Equal Opportunities. 12-14 September 2007, Ghent, Belgium.
Takács J (2007)
Változó apaszerepek (Changing roles of fathers) - public lecture, Corvinus University of Budapest, Centre for Gender and Culture, 10 May 2007.
Változó apaszerepek (Changing roles of fathers) - public lecture, Corvinus University of Budapest, Centre for Gender and Culture, 10 May 2007.
Takács J (2007)
Túl az elosztási egyenlőtlenségeken: a szexuális kisebbségek esete (Beyond inequalities of redistribution: the case of sexual minorities) - public lecture at the annual assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 9 May 2007.
Túl az elosztási egyenlőtlenségeken: a szexuális kisebbségek esete (Beyond inequalities of redistribution: the case of sexual minorities) - public lecture at the annual assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 9 May 2007.
Takács J (2006)
Limited Access to Active Citizenship: Social Exclusion Patterns Affecting Young LGBT People in Europe
“Young People and Active European Citizenship” Research Seminar, 23-25 November 2006. European Youth Centre, Budapest.
Limited Access to Active Citizenship: Social Exclusion Patterns Affecting Young LGBT People in Europe
“Young People and Active European Citizenship” Research Seminar, 23-25 November 2006. European Youth Centre, Budapest.
Takács J (2006)
Social Exclusion Experienced by LGBT Youth in Europe
“Homophobia and Discrimination of Lesbians and Gays in an Enlarged Europe: Challenges of Social Inclusion” International Conference, 9-10 November 2006. Social Research Center at the Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Social Exclusion Experienced by LGBT Youth in Europe
“Homophobia and Discrimination of Lesbians and Gays in an Enlarged Europe: Challenges of Social Inclusion” International Conference, 9-10 November 2006. Social Research Center at the Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Takács J (2006)
Social exclusion of LGBT youth in Europe
“Equal is not enough” European Conference on Equal Opportunities, 13-15 September 2006. University of Antwerp: Policy Research Center on Equal Opportunities, Belgium.
Social exclusion of LGBT youth in Europe
“Equal is not enough” European Conference on Equal Opportunities, 13-15 September 2006. University of Antwerp: Policy Research Center on Equal Opportunities, Belgium.
Takács J (2006)
Main findings – Official launch of the ILGA-Europe & IGLYO report on “Social exclusion of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Europe” at the European Parliament, 13 September 2006.
Main findings – Official launch of the ILGA-Europe & IGLYO report on “Social exclusion of young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Europe” at the European Parliament, 13 September 2006.
Takács J (2005)
Anti-discrimination and Equal Treatment Policy-making and LGBT People – public lecture 7 April 2005, OSI, IPF – Central European University, Budapest.
Anti-discrimination and Equal Treatment Policy-making and LGBT People – public lecture 7 April 2005, OSI, IPF – Central European University, Budapest.
Takács J (2004)
Influence of European Institutions on the Hungarian legislation regarding LGBT rights – “The Influence of the European Institutions on Gays’ and Lesbians’ Rights. The situation in the New Member States of the EU, in the Acceding States and Candidates” conference 3-5 December 2004 organised by GASPPECO, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Influence of European Institutions on the Hungarian legislation regarding LGBT rights – “The Influence of the European Institutions on Gays’ and Lesbians’ Rights. The situation in the New Member States of the EU, in the Acceding States and Candidates” conference 3-5 December 2004 organised by GASPPECO, Université Libre de Bruxelles.
Takács J (2004)
Social Network Intervention Project: HIV Prevention with At-Risk Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Eastern Europe poster presentation (together with the Social Network Intervention Project Team) – “Bridges in Life Sciences” US-CEE Research Networking Meeting on HIV/AIDS and Related Conditions; 2004 October 14-16, Bucharest, organized by NIMH, USA.
Social Network Intervention Project: HIV Prevention with At-Risk Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Eastern Europe poster presentation (together with the Social Network Intervention Project Team) – “Bridges in Life Sciences” US-CEE Research Networking Meeting on HIV/AIDS and Related Conditions; 2004 October 14-16, Bucharest, organized by NIMH, USA.
Takács J (2003)
Media Representation of Homosexuality in Hungary, 1993-2000. – “Participation Opportunities: Perspectives for Inclusion of Marginalized Groups” international seminar, 2003 November, organized by the Peace Institute and CNVOS in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Media Representation of Homosexuality in Hungary, 1993-2000. – “Participation Opportunities: Perspectives for Inclusion of Marginalized Groups” international seminar, 2003 November, organized by the Peace Institute and CNVOS in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Takács J (2003)
The Double Life of Kertbeny – “Past and Present of Radical Sexual Politics” conference, 2003 October, organized by Gert Hekma on behalf of the University of Amsterdam.
The Double Life of Kertbeny – “Past and Present of Radical Sexual Politics” conference, 2003 October, organized by Gert Hekma on behalf of the University of Amsterdam.
Takács J (2003)
Homosexuality and Threatened Identities in Hungary – public lecture, 2003 June 15, CAIR, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA.
Homosexuality and Threatened Identities in Hungary – public lecture, 2003 June 15, CAIR, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA.
Takács J (2002)
A homoszexuális mint fenyegetett identitás (Homosexual identity as threatened identity) – Nő és férfi, férfi és nő. Magyarország 2002 (Woman and man, man and woman. Hungary 2002) conference, 2002, November, organised by the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, Gender and Culture Research Centre
A homoszexuális mint fenyegetett identitás (Homosexual identity as threatened identity) – Nő és férfi, férfi és nő. Magyarország 2002 (Woman and man, man and woman. Hungary 2002) conference, 2002, November, organised by the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration, Gender and Culture Research Centre
Takács J (2002)
Kertbeny Károly – Social history conference of the Hajnal István Association, August 2002, College of Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Kertbeny Károly – Social history conference of the Hajnal István Association, August 2002, College of Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Takács J (2002)
The Social Representation of Homosexuality in Present Day Hungary – Conference of the International Academy of Sex Research, June 2002, Hamburg, Germany.
The Social Representation of Homosexuality in Present Day Hungary – Conference of the International Academy of Sex Research, June 2002, Hamburg, Germany.
Takács J (2001)
The concept of ’normal family’ in Hungary – ESA conference, September 2001, Helsinki, Finland.
The concept of ’normal family’ in Hungary – ESA conference, September 2001, Helsinki, Finland.
Takács J (2001)
The social perception of homosexuality in Hungary – Sexualities in Transition social science conference, June 2001, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
The social perception of homosexuality in Hungary – Sexualities in Transition social science conference, June 2001, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Takács J (2001)
Changing contents and changing contexts of homosexuality – 15th Conference of European Psychology Students, April 2001, Budapest
Changing contents and changing contexts of homosexuality – 15th Conference of European Psychology Students, April 2001, Budapest
Takács J (1999)
The Sin-Sickness-Deviance Triumvirate – Will Europe Work? ESA conference, August 1999, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The Sin-Sickness-Deviance Triumvirate – Will Europe Work? ESA conference, August 1999, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Takács J (1999)
Introduction to Homosexualisation – Sexual Diversity and Human Rights (IASSCS) conference July 1999, Manchester, UK.
Introduction to Homosexualisation – Sexual Diversity and Human Rights (IASSCS) conference July 1999, Manchester, UK.
Takács J (1997)
Searching for the Homosexual Subject in Hungary – Inclusions/Exclusions ESA conference, August 1997, Essex, UK.
Searching for the Homosexual Subject in Hungary – Inclusions/Exclusions ESA conference, August 1997, Essex, UK.
Takács J (1996)
Underlying Contradictions in Hungarian (Homo)sexual Politics – Women and Men in East-European Transition summer university, June 1996, Cluj, Romania.
Underlying Contradictions in Hungarian (Homo)sexual Politics – Women and Men in East-European Transition summer university, June 1996, Cluj, Romania.
Takács J (1993)
Melegmédia-politika és a magyar lehetőségek (’Gay Media Politics and the Hungarian Possibilities’) – Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association, June 1993, Miskolc, Hungary.
Melegmédia-politika és a magyar lehetőségek (’Gay Media Politics and the Hungarian Possibilities’) – Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association, June 1993, Miskolc, Hungary.